I really need help bad!


So heres my problem. My friend gave me his old iMac G3 thats blue that was originally running OS 9 until me and him decided to wipe the system and put linux on it. So here I am 2 months later, I put a new hard drive into the computer and I wanted to install Mac OS X Tiger. So I went out and bought the CD version and went home, put the cd into the computer to install and what do I get "You must update your computers firmware before you install Mac OS X." Now there is no firmware on the new hard drive, it never even had mac on it! It is a fresh new drive. So I restarted the computer in hopes that it would work, but it kept saying you need to update your firmware. I even tried booting from the disk but still "you need to update your firmware" So my question that I direly need help with is how do I install Mac OS X Tiger after getting this message over and over again?
You need to install OS 9 first in order to install the firmware upgrade. No way around it.
I've tied installing os 9, i have the disk for it but everytime i put it into the computer nothing happens. it shows the sad mac face and the questions mark. ive even tried booting from the disc by holding c when i restart the computer, but nothing happens
i have a pc and i burned the disk of OS 9. I think thats why it wont install because when I hold option at the restart it only shows the hard drive not the screen.
'"You must update your computers firmware before you install Mac OS X." Now there is no firmware on the new hard drive, it never even had mac on it! It is a fresh new drive.' - firmware is installed onto a programmable chip, on the Mac; not anywhere on a hard disk drive.

'... i have a pc and i burned the disk of OS 9' - chances are the burn process did not deem the disc - as bootable. Purchase, or borrow, an Apple (once Computer) Inc. 'OS 9' installer disc.

Firmware updates for G3 require System 9, or earlier (possibly). Here is the firmware update web page.
i had an idea wat if i put pear pc on my windows and then put tiger on it and then burn os 9 from tiger on pear pc. do u think that would work
'how do (you) borrow a os 9 disc from Apple [you do / can not], or do (you) mean from a person' - the latter. The focus of the sentence was on "'OS 9' installer disc".

'... pear pc ... tiger ... burn os 9 ... do (you) think that would work' - possibly.

Notable 'Roxio Toast 8' link.
I tried burning os 9 from a mac and it still wont install on the computer. When i hold option at start up the disc doesnt even show up next to the hard drive. what do I do now, is there a way to update the firmware from Open Firmware?
'... what do I do now' - apply a previously provided suggestion.

'is there a way to update the firmware from Open Firmware?' - eh, ... no.
See if you can locate a bootable OS 9 install CD, or external firewire (if the machine supports firewire, that is) hard drive with a bootable OS 9 install on it.
You probably cannot proceed without one.

If the install CD is all you can come up with, then instal OS 9 on the hard drive and then the firmware update/s.
If the machine supports Firewire, and you locate an external bootable OS 9 drive, just install the Firmware update.

Oh, and the firmware update does not install on the hard drive. It installs on the machine.