I seem to have lost my questionmark...


I have just recently purchased a used iBook, and when I press question mark, this is what is showing: É . What do I need to do to make my keyboard normal again (questionmark, questionmark)Thank you.
You did tell us what OS X you are running. So I will have to generalize. to help and maybe fix your problem do these steps:

1) Reset your Pram

2) Download the maintenance program Yasu and run all the scripts (and let it restart when finished). This may help.

3. Open System Preferences->International. In the International pane select the tab Input Menu. Then in the window below put check marks in Character Palette and Keyboard viewer and in the last window select your country's flag.

Once you do step 3 a flag will appear in you Finders menu. Click on this flag and select Show Keyboard viewer. A small soft window that represents your keyboard and show when you press a key. It is a great way to see what the different keyboard combinations happen when you hold down shift, control, option and command keys while typing.

Good Luck.
Thank you very much for your instructions, I have found my ? again and that makes my life SO much easier. I will keep posting questions on this site for sure.