I think I found a bug ...


In Geostationary Orbit
When i was messing around with my System Preferences I came along an apparent bug in the Desktop & Screen Saver. When I tried to select an iPhoto Library Album (I created in iPhoto) of pictures I had of my old college. I had it buy the college's initials (R.I.T.). However, the Screen Saver would exhibit all the contents of my whole Users->Pictures folder. I then played with that (R.I.T.) album (in iPhoto it displayed just fine). I then took the periods (.) out of the Album (R.I.T.) name and then the Screen Saver would display that album (in the Screen Saver mode) just fine.

Now, to make the Screen Saver mad at you put a period inside the name of an iPhoto album (like firstname.lastname) and Screen Saver will display an error saying it couldn't find the album (even though iPhoto had no problem with the Album name).

I was wondering if anyone could test this for me.

Note: OS X 10.3.3