I Think The Government Schould Take Control Of The Computer Industry


Get It, BIG MAC! ::ha::
I don’t know about everyone else but I’m fed up with all of this computer craziness! It all started when I was about 10 or 11 years old. My family decided to bye a computer (the fact that we decided to get an apple is another story) and for the life of me I cant remember the name of it! But anyway about a month later the computer was out dated and we put it in a box and as of now it’s in the attic. Now granted the computer and it’s upgradeability has gotten a lot better. The next family computer was punchiest about 4 or 5 five years ago, it was the 1st breed of iMac and it was great. But about every other month I got more and more disappointed because apple kept coming out with faster and more stunning computers, but we stuck with the original iMac and never put X on it and now it just collects dust. About a year and a half ago my dad got an iBook from his Co. and eventually was passed down to me so I could use it in school, I put X.2 on it and it was slow even with the extra 256Megs of Ram! I it seemed like apple came out with a different kind of computer every other month, and of course I was mad but I stuck with the iBook. About a week ago (after working all summer) I got a PowerBook G4 (12inch). Its crazy fast (see specks at bottom) and I was happy about it until I read something on the web site about apple coming out with a thinner PowerBook and that they are changing the 15inch model! Something needs to be done about this computer craziness a system needs to be put in place! A while ago (I think around the 1970’s) the same thing was happening with cars. Every other month the car Co. would come out with a new car and people would get mad because the resale value of there car would go down dramatically so the government put a system in place. Car companies are only allowed to come out with a new car every five years, and it’s a great system. Why can’t the government have this system implemented on computer companies? I think it would be a great idea! This concept would go for all computer companies, not just apple. Phewwwww :D
<sarcasm>geez i hate new technology... why didnt they freeze all technological advances in 1984?

Hell that was a great time, apple was leading the world - a computer with an amazing GUI!! Hell, that sucker had a 9" screen!! it ripped along processing 16 bits at 8Mhz and survived 6 versions of OS!!

ahh, the good ole days before cell phones and other gimmicks.</sarcasm>

i was going to put something meaningful here, but now that i've had my wee rant i can't remember what i was going to say... damn.
Bigdog, it's all a marketing gimmick to get your money. Apple (and everyone else, for that matter) keeps making faster computers that the latest software requires to run well so you keep upgrading. After all, 75% of Apple's revenue is personal computers; do you think they want to just cut that off because everyone's current computer is good enough?
I second profx's sarcasm. Why would you want to stop competition and technological advances dead in their track so you can buy a new pair of Nikes? Jeeze, communism had a shot at this already, a few times.

I can totally relate to your frustrations, really I can, less then a year ago I shilled out over 2 grand for this dual-1GHz and now I'll need another 2 grand for the G5 and I have to put this thing up on eBay cuz nobody around here want's to buy it, they all want the G5.

Count on buying a new Mac every year if you wanto to keep up. Luckily Macs have a very high resale value.
I really really hope so. Because the last thing in the world you want is the government in control of the computer industry.

The Government excels at one thing and one thing only - the military (and even thats up for debate). Every other facet of life they have their hand in, they end up completely ruining it.

Don't look to government to solve any of your problems. Look to yourself. It all starts, and it all ends, with you.
A while ago (I think around the 1970’s) the same thing was happening with cars. Every other month the car Co. would come out with a new car and people would get mad because the resale value of there car would go down dramatically so the government put a system in place. Car companies are only allowed to come out with a new car every five years, and it’s a great system. Why can’t the government have this system implemented on computer companies? I think it would be a great idea!

First of all, I know of NO government system put in place with regard to car manufacturers and new models (apart from the Gov'ts safety laws and EPA emissions laws). Car manufacturers come out with new models every year, like clockwork.

As I said in the previous post, don't look to government to solve your problems. If Gov't was ever to take control in the computer industry, you can bet your ass that the Operating System would be clunky and un-intuitive (probably Windows) and the hardware would cost a boat load of money and be seriously underpowered. And the most important thing - innovation - would cease to be, except in the realm of computers for military applications....
serpicolugnut, you are taking what I said WAY out of context. I think the govenment should put a system in place that only allows computer co. to come out with a completly new computer like every year or so.

-Side Nte
car co. are allowd to update there cars every year, thats why they have the 2001 2002 2003 & 2004 modles but every 5th year they are allowd to come out with somthing completely different, and then update that for five years!
The way they have it now, every 5 years sees a complete redesign of car models. Sure, they improve the current model every year, but every 5 years they make it totally differently. For example, the Toyota Celica: 1990-1993, 1994-1998 (besides the 3rd from the bottom), and the current model, plus whatever the 2004's will look like.

Bigdog, they actuall do something like this at Apple. The Powermac G4 has been around for what, 4 years? The G3 wasn't around for very long comparatively, but it's still similar. The original iMac was around for 4 years, and now the lamp models will be around for a little while longer. The only problem, of course, is that every model is faster than the one before it. But as for redesigns, these happen similarly to cars.
Bigdog is obviously new to the political climate of the café. In other words, you better be able to back your sh!t up around here, or you'll get taken apart like a rat in a Pihrana tank, as BigDog has. No disrespect to the Dog, I learned the hard way myself.
gosh, i try to stay out of this kind of stuff these days, but i just couldn't resist the opportunity to AGREE with serpico and habilis. :)