Get It, BIG MAC! ::ha::
I dont know about everyone else but Im fed up with all of this computer craziness! It all started when I was about 10 or 11 years old. My family decided to bye a computer (the fact that we decided to get an apple is another story) and for the life of me I cant remember the name of it! But anyway about a month later the computer was out dated and we put it in a box and as of now its in the attic. Now granted the computer and its upgradeability has gotten a lot better. The next family computer was punchiest about 4 or 5 five years ago, it was the 1st breed of iMac and it was great. But about every other month I got more and more disappointed because apple kept coming out with faster and more stunning computers, but we stuck with the original iMac and never put X on it and now it just collects dust. About a year and a half ago my dad got an iBook from his Co. and eventually was passed down to me so I could use it in school, I put X.2 on it and it was slow even with the extra 256Megs of Ram! I it seemed like apple came out with a different kind of computer every other month, and of course I was mad but I stuck with the iBook. About a week ago (after working all summer) I got a PowerBook G4 (12inch). Its crazy fast (see specks at bottom) and I was happy about it until I read something on the web site about apple coming out with a thinner PowerBook and that they are changing the 15inch model! Something needs to be done about this computer craziness a system needs to be put in place! A while ago (I think around the 1970s) the same thing was happening with cars. Every other month the car Co. would come out with a new car and people would get mad because the resale value of there car would go down dramatically so the government put a system in place. Car companies are only allowed to come out with a new car every five years, and its a great system. Why cant the government have this system implemented on computer companies? I think it would be a great idea! This concept would go for all computer companies, not just apple. Phewwwww