I violated the embargo for pure pleasure


Ministry of Re-Education
Last night I picked up a 6-pack of St. Pauli Girl Special Dark - a German import - and violated the French/German embargo for pure pleasure. I feel so wreckless and irresponsible...
By any chance did you happen to find the Weapons of Mass Destruction? Guess letting the UN Inspectors do their job like France & Germany wanted might not have been such a "wacky" idea after all ... maybe you should buy some French Fries to go with your German Beer.
That's funny, ever since this idiotic campaign started I have intentionally searched for and bought as many French and German products that I can find. The irony of couse, is that food manufactured by a German or French company might well be owned by an American one and vice versa. All the embargo really does is affect small businesses.

I've since ended my illogical reaction and just buy what I want. We are globalized whether we like it or not.
That embargo is the most ridiculous sh*t ever. Anytime someone disagrees with us, we b*tch and demand that they play by our rules, or we're going inside, and we're taking our football with us. I think the war on Iraq was justified, but the French and Germans are entitled to their own opinions.
Originally posted by Dlatu1983
Germans are entitled to their own opinions.
Amen brother! They're also entitled to keep crankin out the good bier!!
Hay, I might not like their opinions but I have Germany to thank for new car(well, actually a used 2002 VW Passat, this thing is tight.) I don't mix the 2 though, the car and the bier I mean, plus I heard if you get enough German products together in one enclosed area, you might reach critcal mass and start a fission explosion. At least that's what the Pentagon says.
Are you sure you're not mixing yourself with too much "bier?"

And are you sure your car was made in Germany and imported to the States, or is it an American-made car based on the design of a German company?
It was based on German designs. That much is for sure. The same team that designed the Audi. But lets not mince words, the VW passat is an Audi for poor people, the proletariot, of which I am a proud card-carying member.

arden: on a totally unaffilated note, your avatar has a glitch; the edge of your old imac/new imac hybrid is jagged. you need to be cool and smooth that out.
In case anyone cares, but the Passat and Golf are made in Germany. The Jetta and Beetle are made in Mexico (for the U.S. market).
I'm just waiting for the US to start an embargo on Canada; good-bye softwood lumber...

Dlatu1983, I couldn't have put it better myself :cool:
Originally posted by michaelsanford
I'm just waiting for the US to start an embargo on Canada; good-bye softwood lumber...

It never ceases to amaze me that gw took out all his wrath on Germany, Russia, and France when our two closest neighbors stood up and said absolutely not. It really points to the fact that close economic ties make it virtually impossible to censor those who disagree with you. The US press has barely touched on that and I'm ashamed of them for not focusing on that issue. It's like there is a virtual ban on all things emanating above the 49th parallel and below the Rio Grande. Where is the news that Mexico paid off its debts early or that gay marriage has come to Canada?

PS, a ban on softwood lumber would save a few forests in BC, so although I'm opposed to an embargo, tariffs, etc. I wouldn't mind seeing the BC lumber industry do a little bit more to protect the environment.
Originally posted by habilis
You're all function, and no form.
And you make no sense.

Ugg: I wouldn't mind seeing everyone doing something more to protect the environment. Earlier, I saw a bumper sticker that said something to the effect that golddiggers can save the country from economic disaster while environmentalists can not. If they weren't destroying the environment as they looked for gold, they wouldn't have to, I say.