I want iPhoto back / Photostitch


Ministry of Re-Education
I deleted it a long time ago and now my new Canon G3 wants to interface with it. I ran software restore, clicked the "Reinstall all original applications" button, inserted the 2 discs as asked, everything was smooth but no iPhoto or image capture to be found. I ran a search on my HD and came up dry too.

Can someone tell me how to find just iPhoto on one of the 4 install disks? why is there 4 install disks anyway?

I went to Apple.com/iphoto and all they want to do is sell me iphoto2. Can someone email me a stuffed copy of iPhoto please? aaron@bonkdown.com I would greatly appreciate it.

P.S. Is there a version of Photostitch for OSX? The software disk that came with this thing is all OS9 stuff and useless to me since OS9 is now completely in my past.
Photostitch is available in a Mac OS X version, but I can't recall if that's one of the programs Canon is only making available to new buyers or not. At any rate, both the 9 and X versions were on the CDs packed in with my PowerShot S200.

I think www.powershot.com has information on which programs you can obtain updates for and how to obtain them.