I want to kill PreferenceSyncClient...


Mr. Grumpikins
...I'm just not sure if I should. It runs at least once an hour, making all kinds of HD noise, and I don't know why. Isn't PSC connected to MobileMe? Because I don't have a MobileMe account.

The MobileMe icon also shows up in my menubar. I know I can command-drag it out, but I'd rather get to the root of this issue and stop PSC from running too, unless it's doing something else important.

If it's only used by MobileMe, I can just "relocate" the app somewhere that OS X can't find it. But finding out how to turn it off smartly would be even better.
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Nope, don't have any HP software installed, to the best of my knowledge. I don't own any HP devices, so I should hope not. Looks like all the HP files on my HD are printer drivers, nothing unusual.
If you don't need to sync with MobileMe, trash the PreferenceSyncClient.app which lives in System:Library:CoreServices.
This worked for me.