I want to say hello and...


Hello, i'm a new forum user :) i work in compuer graphics with Maya 5.0, i need to learn develope plug-in and for do this i must have CodeWarrior 8.0 or superior, some people can help me? If someone want help me send me a pvt... :) thx and good work!
Apple's Developer Tools (soon to be officially called Xcode) are an excellent, free alternative to Codewarrior for heavy-duty programming.

It's a little hard to understand you... I suggest you ask Giaguara for help in translating Italian to English, then repost your question so I can understand it better and help you out better.
i need a development program capable of creating CFM shared libraries and under OSX there is only codewarrior... :( sorry for my english
Okay, what do you want help with then, finding a place to buy the program?
If you're asking where you can get it for free, you must not do that here. If you want to buy it, you can get it/order it from any local Mac retailer, or order it online from here