Master of Reality
at like 12:30 and there was some "Kim comando" show about computers. This guy calss in and says "Hi. My daughter's friend came to our house and installed windows XP on our computer. I've decided I don't like it and I can't even use it because it was my daughter's friend's CD and I don't have a registration number. I'd like to go back to Windows 98. Can I uninstal XP?
to which "Kim" replies:
"well... No. Microsoft doesn't let you do that. I suggest you go out to the store and buy a copy of Windows XP (Professional has a lot of great features such as...). If you don't like the XP look, you can switch to "classic" mode. which lets you run just like Windows 98."
I was laughing in my head. This is so pathetic.
to which "Kim" replies:
"well... No. Microsoft doesn't let you do that. I suggest you go out to the store and buy a copy of Windows XP (Professional has a lot of great features such as...). If you don't like the XP look, you can switch to "classic" mode. which lets you run just like Windows 98."
I was laughing in my head. This is so pathetic.