i was wondering


the uninstallation process i was showed for macintosh is drag and drop from app to trash much like install from file window to app stack. console says there are still processes from programs since deleted trying to launch, which they are just attempting to launch over and over, but every bit and byte right?

i was also wondering, i'm on an intel mac, does this macbook have opt-comm-o+f, comm-s,opt-comm-p+r boot functions? they don't seem to be working.

i had also found an article, that had optional script installs, like putting an eject icon on the menu pane at top. i can't find the folder or the article again though, can someone refresh me? sorry despite the name i'm a mac newb, this is post dos.
Well the program part is kind-of true. However programmers are making programs ever more complicated so a third party installed might be in oder. You could use the free appcleaner or the shareware I use successfully called AppDelete. Deinstalling with either of these programs can clean out old data left by programs when you delete with them.

For the Reset Your PRAM still works on intel Macs. Plus you can Reset the SMC.

To get the Eject symbol in your Menu bar just go to the folder /YourHardDrive/System/Library/Core Services/Menu Extras/ and double click the eject.menu.

Happy New Year!