I would like to applaud Apple


I am glad Apple handled the iLife situation the way they did. I for one, will go and buy the store version of iLife, just because they offered it to me for free. Sure, I'm basically wasting 50$ in doing this (I have a DVD burner, but not a Superdrive, so iDVD3 will not work for me), but I will show my support to Apple for handling this the right way, and not forcing us to buy it. Although nowhere does it say we are entitled to free updates of the iApps, these applications are a vital and neccessary part of OSX as a whole.

It is especially important because these iApps are not meant for the professional, but the mainstream computer user. My parents will never use Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, or DVD Studio Pro. Once I buy them a new iMac they sure as hell will use iPhoto, iMovie and iDVD. I am also sure it will convince them to drop their Windows machine. All I hear from my father is how often his computer crashes... loaded with Windows XP. He is not ignorant of computers at all, in fact he is quite proficient in their use, but that doesn't stop his computing experince from being unpleasant. Right now he really only uses his computer to write documents, check e-mail and surf the internet. Sure windwos xp has an image editor and a movie maker, but please... An iMac with the iLife suite will allow him to do sooo much more. My parents will be switchers.

I myself am a switcher. I hated 9. Hated it. I saw ads for the Powerbook and thought it was the best looking computer I had ever seen. I didn't even consider it though because I had used Mac OS 8-9 in school and absolutely despised it. Luckily I went to Apple's website a few months later and was amazed at the new OSX. I bought my Powerbook that same day. I will never go back, and a big part of the reason is because of the iApps.

OK, this was a lot longer than I was going for, but oh well. I think we should thank Apple for the gift they have given us today. It was certainly smart of them to do, because of possible consumer anger, but they could have certainly charged 10$ per app and not gotten a very bad response. Instead they will give them to us for free.

Thank you Apple.
Originally posted by MacLuv
How about giving that money to a charity instead?


I guess I shouldn't really take offense to this post, but i do, considering you have no idea of the amount of time and money that I give to charitable organizations each year. Tell you what... I'll make a donation to the Red Cross of $100 in your name if you go out and buy iLife too.
mightyjlr - i'm not sure i would go so far as to just give apple my money for something i don't need, but overall, your points are very well made and i agree with them.

there are already companies who dominate the market in the areas that the iapp cover. but they are also way out of the price range of the average consumer. Apple is providing them for free or cheap - making them available to those of us who will probably never see fit to spend the money for photoshop, powerpoint, etc. All the uber geeks out there had best get a grip - not everything needs to be for you.

Frankly, with all the complaining on this site that i have heard about browsers and the constant cry for apple to make their own, i would have thought that most people would have been standing up cheering for this expo if safari were the last big announcement. For a first release browser, it rocks like none other before. using it today at mwsf actually has me motivated to finally make the jump to jaguar. al the other little jag exclusives were nice, but not anything i'd see myself needing or wanting. i may use them, but not out of anything but convience. safari is everything everybody has complained the other browsers aren't (minus those frigging tabs of course :D ). but no, people are complaining still over a missing feature or 2 in a browser that was rushed to completion for this show.

and it was just a teaser for the real event - two of the coolest laptops i've ever seen and i'm not normally drawn to laptops. but these 2 address my biggest problems with the whole idea of laptops - they're neither big enough or small enough. now there is one of each that works. small for the convience of carrying around - just think, it will fit in a stack with your real notebooks. and big, for those who want the convience of back and forth to work without feeling like they can't see their work. WOW - that alone is cool. but now they come equipped with bluetooth built in - another thing i have heard so much screaming for!!

you know the only reason i tolerate all the bitching is because this show has demonstrated to me that apple listens to it. so please whine louder, so next year's show will be even better :D
Originally posted by mightyjlr
I guess I shouldn't really take offense to this post, but i do, considering you have no idea of the amount of time and money that I give to charitable organizations each year. Tell you what... I'll make a donation to the Red Cross of $100 in your name if you go out and buy iLife too.

How about I give $10,000 in your name for every $50 you don't spend on Apple?
why the hate, macluv? he's supporting a company that you 'luv'. i see no reason for bitterness or sarcasm. i thought it was a cool thing to do.
i've got a superdrive, so the second i get a DV i'll get iLife ^_^.
What does this have to do with hate? This has to do with wasting money. Marching down to the Apple store and slapping fifty bucks on the table for a suite of applications that you can get for free is just a bad idea. Apple is not a charity, it's a business. That money can be put to better use somewhere else. That's my only point. If you want to "donate" money to Apple, buy Apple stock. Duh.

PS... everybody needs to chill out with me, k? You guys should know me by now... everybody loves in different ways...

I don't see any harm in buying iLife, even if you could download it for free. I imagine it will be coming with documentation that might be invaluable to some users.

In anycase, its certainly not wasting money, especially if Apple Computer is something you believe in and enjoy. Wouldn't you want to support it in anyway possible? This type of dedication is why Apple has always been able to weather the storm.

I would think someone who profiles Apple users would understand this type of dedication and its importance to Apple better than anyone. :rolleyes:
i don't see any harm in it, i just wouldn't see myself doing it. on the other hand if it came with printed manuals, i might rethink that. :D
Originally posted by MacLuv
How about I give $10,000 in your name for every $50 you don't spend on Apple?

Originally posted by MacLuv
What does this have to do with hate? This has to do with wasting money. Marching down to the Apple store and slapping fifty bucks on the table for a suite of applications that you can get for free is just a bad idea. Apple is not a charity, it's a business. That money can be put to better use somewhere else. That's my only point. If you want to "donate" money to Apple, buy Apple stock. Duh.

PS... everybody needs to chill out with me, k? You guys should know me by now... everybody loves in different ways...

Obviously Apple is not a charity. Paying $50 for a piece of software that I dont REALLY need to pay for is not a donation. It is supporting a company. I also buy shareware. Am I donating money to them? No, I am supporting them. I get something back from them. Obviously iLife apps are not shareware, but I do get something back from them in their use, and since I am receiving something back for my $50, that is not a donation.

MacLuv, my offer still stands, I will change it though. I will buy 15 shares of Apple stock and donate it to the Red Cross. Kill two birds with one stone. Support Apple and put it to better use somewhere else. How does that sound?
Originally posted by mightyjlr
Sure, I'm basically wasting 50$ in doing this (I have a DVD burner, but not a Superdrive, so iDVD3 will not work for me)...

I believe iDVD 3 will support 3rd party burners... So maybe it's not a waste of your money after all!
Ah, there we go. :)

The best way to explain this, kendall, is to say if you want to support a company, you invest in it. Buying products doesn't really "support" the company--it pays the bills and anything left over is profit that might be put back into the company--but only if the company decides to retain earnings. (When you buy Apple products, for example, most of it goes to people like Steve Jobs in the form of compensation.)

So, if you really want to "support" Apple, buy stock, not products. Not only will you support the company, but you'll own it. I think this conversation touches on one of the fundamental reasons why I have trouble dealing with Steve Jobs--but I won't get into that here.


Actually MacLuv, when you buy Apple stock, you don't benefit Apple - you benefit the person who previously owned the stock. The only time you'd actually benefit Apple was if you participated in an IPO or a rights issue (where you already own some stock and they give you the chance to buy more at a discount)
Originally posted by mightyjlr
It is supporting a company. I also buy shareware. Am I donating money to them? No, I am supporting them.

There's a big difference between buying commercial apps and buying shareware. Supporting shareware allows "one man bands" to pay their rent, if that. Commercial software has a profit model and strategy. As I stated above, this means by the time you buy the software, it's already been accounted for. You're paying the bills and creating profit. This doesn't always mean that one is "supporting the company."


As far as buying the shares, I would consisder that a wise choice if you feel that it is a good investment. Make your money work for you, not the other way around.

The best way to explain this, MacLuv, is to say, oh wait...

Originally posted by fakeyboy
Actually MacLuv, when you buy Apple stock, you don't benefit Apple - you benefit the person who previously owned the stock. The only time you'd actually benefit Apple was if you participated in an IPO or a rights issue (where you already own some stock and they give you the chance to buy more at a discount)

fakeyboy explained it for me.

In anycase, you can buy all the Apple stock you want but if nobody buys their goods, well, you get the idea.


Fine, I didn't want to get into the semantics of this, but I will...

Yes, true, a company only makes money from the sale of stock when it issues shares. But companies issue new shares all the time to raise capital. This is called equity financing. As far as the sale of shares not helping Apple, you have to understand that Apple ownes shares as well, and can sell them to investors. So if the stock price goes up*, Apple can bank on it as well. Selling stock at a profit is a lot easier than selling products for profit. One can always dump stock.

I was just trying to point the "donation" attitude in the right direction, not give a lecture on investing. K?

*and demand for stock is one way for the price to go up.
Sorry MacLuv but you're just plain wrong. Apple may own shares but certainly not shares in Apple - it can issue new shares but can't "own" them. When Apple buys it's own shares this is a known as a buy back & the number of shares in issue drops. Companies do this to bolster stock prices.

You're right about "Equity Financing" being the issue of new stock to the publec. However, this is not done "all the time" as it's relatively expensive when compared say to raising debt.

Don't try and tell me I'm wrong MacLuv - I know what I'm talking about on this one (for once!)
Originally posted by fakeyboy
Sorry MacLuv but you're just plain wrong. Apple may own shares but certainly not shares in Apple - it can issue new shares but can't "own" them.

I'm trying to keep things really simple here. I'm not wrong. There are any number of ways a company can own its own shares, all of which are beyond the scope of this post. Once again, I'm not here to give a lecture on how to invest or how the stock market works.
Originally posted by stealth
edited by ed because it does qualify as a personal attack

Does this qualify for a personal attack? Stealth, if you don't have anything nice to say about a member of this forum, don't say anything at all.