

Just downloaded iASP from tenon , but I can't start it...

It installed straight forward, but I don't know how to either start it or access asp-files...

Help me!

iASP, or iTools, which includes it, is some kind of an upgrade for the Apache webserver running on every OS X. Apache is an opensource webserver, and one of the best webservers available. When you start "web sharing" in your System Preferences, the Apache server is started, serving all files in your "Sites" folder to the world. This means that from this point on, your system works as a (tuned down) webserver. So, first, make sure Apache is running after you installed iASP. I know that there is a configuration tool for the iTools somewhere in their installation folder, use it to get everything runnin, then write an ASP file in simpletext (I hope you know Visual Basic or J++) and save it with the ending .asp in your sites folder. Now, just open your IE, and open the page from your IP adress or localhost to access and execute the file.

I know about that stuff, but what I did was installing iASP standalone, so how do I configure it then?

Sincerely, scooterbabe
Well, I did install it, and some iASP files got copied to the "webserver" folder as well in the root library as in the user library...

But no matter where I put one of asp-files, it doesn't execute the file, but I can se the asp-code in text...
so your browser only shows the plain text inside the ASP? WHen I installed the demo version of iTools,. there was a configuration and monitoring tool which showed me if everything is running fine. IIRC, this tool was in a seperate folder created during installation. Maybe try to install the whole iTools package....
I don't want to do that, because I've already a running version of mysql and php, so I don't want to mess them up or replace them with time limited versions...

Isn't there another way?

How do I make sure the iASP is running?

Perhaps I have to change something so that apache knows what to do with an .asp file..?
Since iASP is probable executing the asp files in some sort of emulated state, since asp files are looking for a windows web server, I'm guessed it will require some sort of hash at the top of the asp files. I'm just guessing, but our isp requires a hash at the top of our php files for a similar reason. Then it will probably execute the asp files in some sort of modified cgi state. Does the documentation refer to this at all.

Pretty sweet to be executing asp, php, cgi, serving qss, all from a box outside the microsoft circle of frustration...


that's the hash mark that i put on all my php files
that way when the server goes to process a "cgi" script it encounters this before anything else and says "this isn't a cgi file" go process this file with the appropriate php executable. it's the way that servers can get functions not built into them to work, like asp on apache for instance.

at least that's my understanding of the process. someone with more development experience may want to correct me...
Though I've PHP installed, there is no PHP in that folder.

And my PHP-files works great without that line in the top...

Nor is there any iASP...

Any suggestion what I should write instead?