Hello there,
Have been using my new iBook with Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X 10.0.3 for nearly 3 weeks and would like to contribute the following experiences.
Did a fresh System restore of Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X from the restore CD's so as to throw out the possibility that it was a software problem that was causing such instability and bad performance on the iBook while using X.
Restore process works fine.
Booted into 9.1 as standard and then restarted into X.
Clamshell mode not supported in X as previously mentioned.
If you do boot in clamshell mode in X it will sleep when it gets to the login prompt which also cuts off my Apple Pro Keyboard and mouse.
Nine times out of ten the keyboard fails to activate again even if you disconnect it and connect it again. Logging in or restarting is then only
Possible from the main keyboard.
Speed is nothing short of woeful in fact it is so bad
that the machine basically shouldn't be qualified to run Mac OS X (IMHO).
I feel that if this is the way Apple wants to show of it's new operation system then it really needs to do some different thinking itself.
Shipping Mac OS X as good as it may be on a machine that just isn't capable of running it defies logic. My iBook is running with 384 megs of RAM and it just doesn't cut it.. Period.
General Mac OS X stability on the iBook is terrible. Opened Sherlock and it crashed on first run. Stuffit Expander crashes when you try and de-compress a file the first time I ran it and so on. If you do manage to get Stuffit to run and de-compress the file, you can't find the file in the finder in the expansion destination. If you view it in the terminal it is there but not in the finder. The file cant be found until you move it in Terminal and then it appears. Surely an easy thing for an absolute beginner to do eh ?
Pre-Emptive multi tasking and protected memory are nice in X but why bother when you can open apps faster in 9.1 than what X offers with multi-tasking, restart the whole computer faster than what it takes to startup some 3rd party applications in X ?
Sure X has all of these "buzz" words but it just isn't worth it until it is equally as fast as 9.1, apps open as fast / faster than what 9.X does and it has equal or greater performance that what Mac OS 9 does.
From what I can see Apple has many system updates coming out soon for X and 9.X but as 9.1 in itself isn't blistering on the iBook, I really think that no matter how much Apple "tweaks" Mac OS X, it will never be a viable alternative on Apple's latest consumer laptop offering.
I have since removed Mac OS X from my X partition and won't be installing it again on this machine anyway. It just isn't worth the time or effort.
I KNOW that X runs so much better on G4's and DP G4's but c'mon, why put it on a 66Mhz Bus 500MHz G3 and make the product look bad ?
Have been using my new iBook with Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X 10.0.3 for nearly 3 weeks and would like to contribute the following experiences.
Did a fresh System restore of Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X from the restore CD's so as to throw out the possibility that it was a software problem that was causing such instability and bad performance on the iBook while using X.
Restore process works fine.
Booted into 9.1 as standard and then restarted into X.
Clamshell mode not supported in X as previously mentioned.
If you do boot in clamshell mode in X it will sleep when it gets to the login prompt which also cuts off my Apple Pro Keyboard and mouse.
Nine times out of ten the keyboard fails to activate again even if you disconnect it and connect it again. Logging in or restarting is then only
Possible from the main keyboard.
Speed is nothing short of woeful in fact it is so bad
that the machine basically shouldn't be qualified to run Mac OS X (IMHO).
I feel that if this is the way Apple wants to show of it's new operation system then it really needs to do some different thinking itself.
Shipping Mac OS X as good as it may be on a machine that just isn't capable of running it defies logic. My iBook is running with 384 megs of RAM and it just doesn't cut it.. Period.
General Mac OS X stability on the iBook is terrible. Opened Sherlock and it crashed on first run. Stuffit Expander crashes when you try and de-compress a file the first time I ran it and so on. If you do manage to get Stuffit to run and de-compress the file, you can't find the file in the finder in the expansion destination. If you view it in the terminal it is there but not in the finder. The file cant be found until you move it in Terminal and then it appears. Surely an easy thing for an absolute beginner to do eh ?
Pre-Emptive multi tasking and protected memory are nice in X but why bother when you can open apps faster in 9.1 than what X offers with multi-tasking, restart the whole computer faster than what it takes to startup some 3rd party applications in X ?
Sure X has all of these "buzz" words but it just isn't worth it until it is equally as fast as 9.1, apps open as fast / faster than what 9.X does and it has equal or greater performance that what Mac OS 9 does.
From what I can see Apple has many system updates coming out soon for X and 9.X but as 9.1 in itself isn't blistering on the iBook, I really think that no matter how much Apple "tweaks" Mac OS X, it will never be a viable alternative on Apple's latest consumer laptop offering.
I have since removed Mac OS X from my X partition and won't be installing it again on this machine anyway. It just isn't worth the time or effort.
I KNOW that X runs so much better on G4's and DP G4's but c'mon, why put it on a 66Mhz Bus 500MHz G3 and make the product look bad ?