iBook 2001 recommened HD's


Hey there everyone.. Well my warrenty has now expired and I have desided that a new 30 or 40 gig hard drive should replace my little 10 gig in my iBook. Seeing how I will be doing this I would just like some advise on which HD to buy that is a drop in replacment. Preferably in the 30 to 40 gig range.. If anyone knows a list or something of HD's that'll be reconized with no hassle please let me know... I just don't wanna head out buy a new HD for a couple hundred and then discover that the ibook will not work with it.... Thanks for the advice in advance!!!
I've had good luck with Toshiba and IBM drives. I'd personally recommend the Toshiba over the IBM though. Mostly because of height issues. The Toshiba is 9.5mm while IBM is 12mm.

If you are going to do the installation yourself, take your time. The iBooks aren't the most friendliest portables. ;)

Thanks for the advice.... I found a few Toshiba's on ebay 40 gigs - slim profile 9.5 -- So I think I might start bidding...

Thanks Again
You guys are v helpful! Same question for a G3 Powerbook Series 2 (300) (codename PDQ). I need a bigger hard drive before I install 10.2 on it (am on 10.1.5 atm) (I know about the HD issues but I can partition!). Any drive recommendations and is it an easy upgrade?

Also, my model is supposed to have max RAM of 192, but I need more and some guy on here had a 233 with 512 RAM. Can I just upgrade easily (was it just that they didn't make bigger modules?), or are there 'issues'?

Cheers for any advice you can give! :D
Well Ended up ordering a 40 gig IBM travelstar GNX 5400 rpm and 2024 worth of cache..9.5 model --- will let ya know how the exchange goes just waiting on the drive now ----- jeeeezzz fed ex takes to long !!!!!!!... Hey anyone have a 512 stick they wanna sell????

There is an issue for upgrading hard disk in iBook. Heat! it is a serious problem because iBook has no method to cool down a hard disk installed in it. Since the 5400 rpm would produce much heat compared with your current hard disk in the iBook your iBook will be much hotter. You may need an extra cooling device.
I don't think the new drive is going to create much more heat than the stock drive. We've overclocked the cpu's on the iBook's and have had very good sucess. ;)

Awesome I ordered a 40 GNX 5400 rpm with 2 meg cache and got the 8 meg cache model -=- Installed last night reloaded and it is going great !!!!