iBook bootup with the lid closed?


Hi All,

Im a newbie to the MAC world, but I have an interesting challenge related to the insomniac.kext

I have thousands of Laptops (literally, 30K+ iBooks) and I need to be able to remotely manage them. I have a software tool that allows me to do this, however it only works when the computers are on (duh)

I need the computers to boot up completely with the lid closed. Power management settings in 10.4 allow me to schedule this, and it does boot the machine at the desired time. But if the lid is closed, the boot up only gets to the point of just before the login screen, then sleeps.

Does anyone think it's possible to load insomniac.kext early enough to allow the system to boot with the lid shut?

(yes, I have tried setting OrderPreference=Early and First to no avail)

Thanks in advance,

Mind throwing a few of those books my way? :)
As to your question, I have no idea, but I do know it is possible.
This isn't an answer, but more of an alert. Some Apple laptops can run with the lid closed quite safely, I believe. However, others may agree to run despite the fact that they will over heat as a result. So you might want to double-check that before proceeding.

- cfr
iBooks can't. it's something to do with the heat distribution.

later powerbooks can.

there may be software hacks, but it's not down to user-features being crippled, more the safety of the machines, here.

here's what apple say


and there's also this

however, in the second link, it does say that it's particularly dangerous with iBooks with ATi Rage graphics. iBooks, of course, were never designed to dissipate heat through the screen. be careful.