i am desperate for a portable computer! i took a look at the ibook, veery tempting, but... the 66mhz mobo is popping questions inside my head. i heard the screen is very sharp, i like the looks the size, the ports but how fast is it? i have an imac @ 400 mhz 512k l2 cache (not processor speed) the i book has 256k l2 cache is it at processor speed? meaning 500 mhz??? is the 500 mhz processor and the cache and mobo combo as good s my imac, assuming they have the same ammount of ram? did anyone buy it yet? can they share their experience with me? i don't know if i should buy a crappier older/used laptop (read: mac laptop) or the iBook?? feedback gratly appreciated.. on a side not i heard rummors of integrated touchscreen imacs and/or ibooks! when? in september when students go back to school? should i wait till september to buy a laptop??