ibook clamshell only wants to sleep, HELP?


Hi guys I have a very strange problem here. I have 2 clamshells and the indigo clamshell is making me want to smash it,lol. I really love them don't get me wrong but I AM SO angry with it. I changed the hard drive and it would not go past the grey apple screen. So I tried loading os 9 back on but then suddenly it went to sleep. I tried to reinstall os 9 but all it does is go to sleep as soon as its os 9 is loaded and is ready for the install it goes to sleep. Everytime you wake it it will instantly go back to sleep. Even holding in the power button will not work you have to unplug it. For some reason It did take a os x 10.0.3 install and will work as long as the battery is removed"Removing the battery did not work with os 9" I tried another battery from my other clamshell and it does the same thing and will only run on os x when there is no battery. Both batteries are bad so I ordered a 3rd party new battery but neither clamshell would recognize the battery. I have tried everything I know to do like resetting pram, reset button. It will get a panic sometimes and say waiting for debugger? What in the world is wrong here? Its 366mhz 320mb ram 30gb hard drive and running mac os x 10.0.3 barely. Anybody please shed some light here? Yea it was working perfect before I changed the hard drive to a 30gb so I thought maybe the hd was bad so I put the old 10gb back in and it acts the same way. So I swapped the 30 back in and its running the os x 10.0.3 as stated barely,
changed the hard drive and it would not go past the grey apple screen.

Maybe it's not a coincidence. You might have caused damage. Did you observe "static handling" precautions?

Maybe it's time to retire this one. Used iBooks are quite cheap nowadays.
Its running cheetah fine as long as no battery in installed. Ran it all night with no issues. As soon as i pop the battery in it goes to sleep. And id I try to install os 9 as soon as it is ready to install it goes to sleep. If I had caused damage why would it take a os x 10.0.3 cheetah install and run fine on cheetah as long as the battery is out?
Are you able to launch System Profiler, jeepattack89?

This might just be a long shot but, at the very bottom look to see if it says "Clamshell Closed: Yes"

It is possible* that your Clammie might think it is closed when you have it open.

I realise that the Cheetah install had no probs with staying awake but what's to lose?

Here is a link worth looking over:

ibook sleep problem and some answers

They mention the white iBook G3 but the Clammie does have a reed switch also.
Not to sound too stupid here VirtualTracy but where in system profiler would it say that? I looked everywhere and I do not see anything.
Ok we might be on to something here with this clamshell with a sleep problem. When I close the lid it will not go to sleep. I opened energy preferences and made adjustments and it still will not sleep unless I manually put it in sleep mode. This is weird because all it does is sleep when the battery is in or when I try and install os 9, but running os x cheetah with the battery out it will not sleep period.
Not to sound too stupid here VirtualTracy but where in system profiler would it say that? I looked everywhere and I do not see anything.

Not stupid at all, nothing wrong with not seeing the trees for the forest ... :)

About This Mac ~> More Info ~> System Profiler ~> Hardware ~> Power ~> Hardware Configuration ~> Clamshell Closed:

Just for clarifications sake, you're no talking about OS 9 Classic? What OS Vers do you want to run?
os x cheetah does not have the more information option on about this mac. I have to go to system profiler through applications>utilities>system profiler and then there are arrows to click on that show info and I do not see those hardware, power, hardware configurations