I've had my iBook 800Mhz with a combo drive for about 7 months. Initially, I had a bit of trouble starting up my iBook consistently(forced to power up by Power+Command and typing 'mac-boot'), but for about 5 months it ran like a workhorse for peripheral office and home use, as well as a great travel mac. I've upgraded the sysytem software fairly faithfully, and I think it's up to 10.2.6(can't check now), and I use 384mb of Ram. The other day, the screen started acting strange- horizontal lines of red, black, yellow and white flashed across the screen, then the whole machine locked up. I was able to restart a few times, but before I could run utils, it would crash again. After that, nothing. I tried rebooting into the root so I could reset the pram and nvram, but it won't let me get that far. I like to think that I can fix alot of problems on a Mac, but this is my first intimate experience with a laptop, and I couldn't even find the reset button(!) when I cracked it open. I was also afraid that I might invalidate my warranty by mucking around under the hood. Should I drag it into my local Apple store and hope that the warranty will cover the problem? And is there any way to get my data off the drive if it won't power up? Is my iBook dead or just a hypochondriac?