iBook display comes and goes


Master of my Universe
I've had my iBook dual usb for just over a year. Apple contacted me right before my warranty was to expire to sell me the AppleCare package, but I declined, then like magic (black magic) my display started acting all flakey.

It would go off and flicker on, and if I give it a nice *squeeze* in the lower left hand corner it will come back on.

So I figured since I was already out of warranty, and wanted to upgrade my HDD, and Mac Addict had a nice tutorial on upgrading your iBook's HDD, I'd take the risk and take it apart and possibly find the loose connection that was causing the display flakieness.

Well I got the HDD upgraded nicely (40GB from 10GB) but the display problem persists. I've read on Apple's forums that it's probably a problem with something called a "reed switch" that happens to lots of people but that Apple isn't recalling them. Also I see people have sent their machines that are still under warranty in, and wait a couple weeks to get them back and their problem still isn't fixed.

My question is: Now that I've voided any warranty I might have had by taking it apart to upgrade the HDD, what are my options for getting this thing fixed? I love my iBook and just want the display to stay lit while I use it.

Thanks for reading all this and if you've got any suggestions I appreciate it!

Originally posted by marz
It would go off and flicker on, and if I give it a nice *squeeze* in the lower left hand corner it will come back on.

My question is: Now that I've voided any warranty I might have had by taking it apart to upgrade the HDD, what are my options for getting this thing fixed? I love my iBook and just want the display to stay lit while I use it.

Hmm, could be a reed switch and it also sounds like your backlight is going. I'd take a trip to MacResQ so see if they have a suggestion. HTH
That's why my one is in the shop at the moment. The reed switch on the dual-USB iBook has shown a tendency to act up, I'm afraid.
It might be a while til I see my iBook again: I live in a small city with only one Mac techie, who no sooner checked my iBook in than got the flu ... I'm just going to have to sit tight. :( :( :(

I'm afraid it might be a little pricey to fix, but would probably cost less than the AppleCare package would have anyway. And since it will probably require a part to be replaced, you're going to need to take it to a pro.
Why not just have the reed switch removed? All it does is make the unit goto sleep when you close it. That or just hit an electronics shop and get a replacement one.
I'd still look into a loose display cable. Apple certainly hasn't had a lot of luck with those over the years.
