iBook freezes


I've got an iBook 800MHz and it suddently started to freeze (whole computer not just one program, cursor won't move) every now and then. Even when I start with an external drive. I guess it must be a hardware thing then. I took out the RAM which was added later on, that didn't help. I can start up successfully; when I use apples disc utilities, it freezes right after the line "checking volume ..."
System 10.4.5
thanks for help!

Oh, I read that when the screen is flickerin, which it does it is the logic board? What can I do then?
If it's the mobo, then a replacement is the only thing that helps. However, if it's not, the symptoms would suggest to start from the installation medium and use Disk Utility from the Apple menu there. Or the hardware test CD could help diagnose, too.