Thank The Cheese
My iBook has been running very slow these past few months. So slow, in fact, that all I use it for is the Internet and occasional word processing.
Tonight things seem to be coming to a climax, with these symptoms:
EDIT: Just noticed something: going into System prefs > Sharing is what triggers the mac to crash.
I also ran hardware test, and everything passed no problems.
If anyone has some suggestions as to how to fix it, or a way to determine precicely what the problem is, it's be greatly appreciated.
Perhaps it's heard me talk about MacWorld and, knowing it may soon be replaced, has lost all will to live?
I'd be very sad to loose it. It has served me very well
** cue sad music and video montage sequence **
Tonight things seem to be coming to a climax, with these symptoms:
- Screen went black from inactivity (not sleeping, just energy saving) and could not be brought back. had to reset.
- Generally very slow.
- Failed disk verification ("Illegal Name" - what does that mean?). tried to repair it but said "disk could not be repaired).
- Just now got the screen of death telling me I had to restart (no app was running at the time)
- I can't seem to turn personal file sharing off. when I do, i just get the beachball nd have to force-quit system pref.
- It makes a strange clunky sound and low buzz when running (only noticed it tonight). Seemd to be comiong from the hard disk, or the fan? Only lasted about 5 minutes, and I'm not sure as yet how frequent it is.
EDIT: Just noticed something: going into System prefs > Sharing is what triggers the mac to crash.
I also ran hardware test, and everything passed no problems.
If anyone has some suggestions as to how to fix it, or a way to determine precicely what the problem is, it's be greatly appreciated.
Perhaps it's heard me talk about MacWorld and, knowing it may soon be replaced, has lost all will to live?
I'd be very sad to loose it. It has served me very well

** cue sad music and video montage sequence **