iBook health question


Hi All,

What is healthier for an iBook (that is used every day): to be turned off at night or left on in sleep mode at night?? I've been told that it's better to leave G4/G5's on at night so that the hard disk doesn't have to turn on and off so often. Is this true with iBooks?

Thanks in advance,

The old 'leave them on' thing isn't really a truth or farce, just a theory. There's never been any substantial proof one way or another. Some people have great luck doing both, some don't.

It's really a matter of personal preference. I tend to leave my machines on just because I'm lazy and don't want to wait for them to boot. The iBook hardly ever sees a shutdown, just a restart every few days to reclaim the space FileVault seems to loose (9.7gb in 4 days was the most, usually 2gb in a week). The Beige DT is being used as a server, so it's always left on. When it was my primary machine (5-6years) I always left her on, unless I was going out of town for more than a day or two. It's run just fine all those years and is still kicking.
When your iBook goes to sleep, it shuts down the hard drive anyway (and just about everything else), but just keeps a small enough flow of current to the memory to keep it active. So from that point of view there's not a lot of difference between sleep and shutdown. I only ever let my iBook sleep overnight - shutdowns are reserved for if I'm away for a week or more.
The only time I ever shut down is when I have to do a restart after an installation, or when I'm gone from the computers for more than 3 days. The other times, sleep. It doesn't use much more power and you start right back up.