iBook Screen Help Needed....Pronto


i currently own a 600 mhz iBook, and the brightness on the display just went out, all of a sudden. I can still see things on the screen, but I have to hold a flashlight or a lamp up to the screen for me to see clearly. The weird part was that when I booted up, everything was fine, and I started noticing the brightness started to fade every 5-10 minutes. I left for 20 minutes to watch some TV, and when I came back, it was almost completely dark.

BTW, I tried every brightness setting. I messed around the display settings in the control panel and pressed the brightness key a billion times. I'm guessing something is up with the LCD? Should I take it to the Apple Store and have em check it out? Any help would be greatly appreciated, since I feel really ghetto right now. I've got a billion college essays to write, and this couldn't have come at a worse time.

sounds like a trip to the apple store to me, of course I assume you have restated many times and also cleared the PRAM....
Dumb question: is it plugged in?

When it is not plugged in, the screen will incrementally dim (when idle) lie you described.
This is most likely caused by damage to the cable connecting the display to the main body of the iBook. I am currently fixing the same problem on my iBook 500 (as in, I will fix it as soon as the spare part arrives. In the meantime I just have to keep the hinge at a certain angle when using it.).

Try gently opening and closing the display, watching to see if the lamp kicks-in or flicks out at certain points. This is a sure sign that the cable has been damaged.

I'd recommend dealing directly with Apple on this one. If the store mucks you around and lets your warranty run out while they just make things worse, like my local dealer did, then you'll have to call Apple anyway. Best send it to the experts.
I've had the same problem and I think your Mac is doing the same.

Change your display profile in Displays in Pref Panes. f that doesn't work open up the ColorSync Utility in Utilities and repair your profile. This should work for ya.
Oh, if its running OS X you can do command-option-o-f on restart and then type in "reset-all" and hit return. Sounds like software to me though.