iBook sleep problem


I don´t want my ibook to sleep when i close it, is there a way to prevent it from going into sleep?

when i sit on the bus every morning to school i listen to music on my ibook, but its kinda a big problem to have it opened, or whne i wanna tranfsfer a big file over the net i don´t want it to be open.

i know it can be done, cuz if i use it in a network i can choose "wake up on admin activity" and it do whitout opening it.

anyone know how to fix it?

i would be happy for answers.

(Very bad english) :(
The open-close sensor on my iBook failed after a couple of months, and I decided not to fix it. It is an annoyance to have to manually sleep the iBook when I was so used to just closing the lid, but the advantages of being able to close the lid and leave it running outweighed the disadvantage of having to sleep it manually.

It might be easy to disconnect the sensor, though it wouldn't surprise me if there is a way to achieve this effect in software. It would be nice to have it as a check-box in the Energy-Saver panel.
I read that the sensor is a magnet underneath the keyboard. If you remove it, it should deactivate the sleep in the notebook.

I think part of reason for sleep when the cover is closed is to prevent overheating in the iBook. I believe that iBook ventilates partially through the keyboard, and it may damage your LCD in the long run.

It may not be good anyway, as u say it might be overheated.

My ibook gets very hot anyway, i don´t think i´l mess with the magnet then after all..

I´l just buy an ipod instead :p

thanx for a qiuck answer :)