iBook Trackpad problem - since 10.04 through 10.1.4 !!!


Mac Metalhead
The trackpad works fine for a while and then slows to a crawl. Going to the system preferences does no good. You have to put the machine to sleep and then it goes back to normal - for a while - and then it happens again.

Anyone else have this problem, or know of a fix? I've seen it on two other 2001 iBooks in addition to mine...

When are they going to fix this?! It has been driving me crazy for nearly a year, and I've seen it happen on a fresh-installed copy of OS X on an iBook!
I believe this is a hardware problem. Take it to your local authorized apple repair center ASAP before the one year warranty runs out.
OK, I just e-mailed my local Apple service center about this, awaiting reply...

However, I am skeptical about it being a hardware problem, since it only happens under OS X. I spend quite a lot of time in OS 9 still, because my recording/sequencing software (Digital Performer) has not been Carbonized yet, so I am very sure this never happens in OS 9.

Thanks for your reply though.
Kazrog, I just upgraded my wife's PowerBook G3 Series from 9 to 10.1.3 last weekend, and yesterday she told me all is well except for the sound not working anymore and the mouse becoming slow. The only thing she does with that thing is chatting using some java apps in Explorer, she's also using MSN.

My guess is that these are still some driver bugs in OSX, since she's doing exactly the same stuff as before the weekend, and everything worked well under OS 9 (except for the 3 crashes every hour of course).
I've had the same problem with my iBook, and it seems to only trigger when I am using (or have recently been using) either iTunes, Internet Explorer or MS Office. I'd agree with your assumption it is a software problem, possibly with one of the libraries that these programs access. I've found that sleeping the iBook for a second or two does fix it, but once it starts doing it it will continue every so often. Very annoying, and I was really hoping 10.1.4 would be a fix for it. :(