Lately, a lot of people have been saying great things in their posts about iBooks. Recently, i have been thinking of selling my PowerMac G4 867mhz for 2 machines. I'm definitly getting the new iMac, and i want one of the following: An iBook 700mhz or a G4 titanium 667mhz. I thought i wanted the titanium, but all i've been hearing about how great the iBooks are, i'm debating. Can anyone tell me why the iBooks are being claimed so high? I love the G4 processor and would have a hard time going to a G3...I don't need information about G3's and G4's, i know all about them. I just want to know what's so great about the iBook, functionality wise. Thanks for your help! If you are interested in my Powermac, email me at