iBook vs TiBook


Ok heres my delema. I want a laptop but dont know what to get. Either an iBook (the best new one) or a used (like new) TiBook 400 MHz 20gig HD 512Mg Ram, DVD-rom. If they were both about the same price whats the best deal?

sorry if it sounds stupid but i really dont know. Its mainly just for fun. I'll do some work on it. Who knows how much.

I will get that iBook 14".

But it would be prefect if you can afford the TiBook 667.
It depends on what you want to use it for.
If it is performance-critical stuff such as movie-editing, then the titanium has the advantage, even with a slower clock-speed. Otherwise, the iBook is great.
Maybe you should just get whatever gives you the most space, and the drive that is most useful to you.
In fact, the G4 400 is slower than G3 600 in most tasks (except VE-ready apps).

If you just want a DVD player, web browser, email and so on, just get an iBook!

If you wanna do some Photoshop stuffs, you better get a G4 (but, a few tasks in PS run faster on a G3 600 than a G4 400).
Originally posted by ddma
In fact, the G4 400 is slower than G3 600 in most tasks (except VE-ready apps).

The G4 is slower? Ohh and what apps are VE-ready. Besides photoshop.

I went out to decide on one today and got even more confused.:rolleyes:

I so dont know. I'm going for my bachelors in Multimedia and Web Design so maybe the TiBook 400?

I so confused.


PS the new iMacs are cool though! Played with one today.
I've got a 400 TiBook and my brother has the "old" top-end iBook (600, combo-drive) with the 12" screen still.
Well, all the iApps from Apple are VE-enhanced, if you do a lot on iMovie as I do it's quite faster. iTunes is notably faster ripping mp3s. I get on the TiBook up to 6x the iBook goes 3-4 times (the speed while importing in relation to the play lenghth of the title). I'm sure more apps will be VE-enhanced soon, since the new iMacs have G4s.
Since I take the TiBook to my workplace, where I can connect it to an 19" CRT display it was important to me not just to have video mirroring (as the iBook has). So I can use 2 screens, this is cool, so much space. I haven't seen the new iBooks in person yet, so I don't know bout the screen, but I love the wide-screen. You wont have an internal burner if it's the old TiBook 400, then top-end iBook has one. I'm quite happy with my external FW smartdisk burner, which Apple gave me for free this summer (it was a special).
I think the TiBook looks so cool. Very elegant.
Hope that helps a bit.
I'd definately go with a new iBook. It's the second/third revision of them, and a lot of the kinks have been worked out of them. As for the TiBook 400, it's going to definately be slower than the 600 G3 for most tasks.
Ohh but i think i got one. I'll update you when it actually arrives. I dont believe it until i see it.

Hey, I just bought a tibook from the apple store in the mall of america on saturday, the newest model - lowest end. I love it, I played around with the ibooks in os x and they seemed to lag a little more then i'd like. By all means the iBook is a great system, but I just wanted to have the tiBook. It really depends on your personal pref, but I know you'd like the tiBook. Plus I got 10% off the retail price cuz it was a return, turns out the lady who had it b4 me started seeing black helicopters following her right after she bought it. Lol, so far nothing out of the ordinary for me though ;-). Anyways, I know you'd like the TiBook, the only dif is the 400mhz won't come with the dvd/cdrw combo and it will be a bit slower, but fast nonetheless. I think you said you were planning on getting the 550 though. Anyways, enjoy your new xBook, whichever one you decide to get ;-).
Welcome to the forum! And it's nice to hear from someone else in the area! I ended up with a 666/Combo/512/30gig airport card. And for a VERY good deal. :D
I bought my G/Friend an iBook with a DVD drive for christmas, I think it's 700mhz, but can't remember now... it was the one apple obsoleted.

I also have a 400mhz TiBook that I use for work everyday (and a nice brand new dual 1 gig for home usage - v.cool)

The TiBook 400 blows away the iBook on everthing we run. Much quicker. .