iChat and AIM


HI Anyone actually get to see their PC friends on AOL IM?

I can see my mac.com friends, but not my AIM friends (ie people who aren't using ichat)

ie their screen name is (for example): blahblahblah

Now when I add that it doesn't see a thing

Then when I go into the hideous AIM client and log-in with my mac.com address I still don't see a thing, however if I register a new screen name with AIM, I can see all my PC friends??????

Why would this be?????? What could I be doing wrong, and they be doing wrong trying to find me on iChat with my .mac name...
...that possibly, while iChat is compatible with AIM, the mac.com screen names are not.

Personally, I do indeed see my wintel AIM buddies, but I am using an AIM screen name that I already had.

In either case, check the preferences panel, and at a minimum, make sure that "Enable AIM" is checked. If you still don't see your wintel buddies, try using your AIM screen name instead of your mac.com screen name.
I can see my PC friends..... But they have to have the lastest version of AIM to see you (and you see them). Just ask them to download the newest AIM version and all will be well.


I've got the same problem but the other way around.

When I log in to iChat with an AIM screenname, i AM able to see my PC-AIM buddies, and we can chat.
But i am UNable to chat with my .Mac-buddies, they simply don't seem to be online, while they certainly are!
Anyone know how to fix this?

Is there a way to have the buddy list 'sort' like the original AIM program? With the buddies in their groups, instead of the ability to group by first/last name? I have different groups of contacts and would like to see it as such, not one big list.