iChat Changed...?


The Benevolent
Anyone else notice a change in iChat today? I was using it, and then out of nowhere I noticed I had a little "groups" thingamajig... Maybe I'm dumb and did something I didn't notice, or it just updated right under my nose! I think it's the former ;).
Uh... that's one of the first things I noticed about iChat AV.... I think you've just missed it. heh.

S'ok, buddy. happens to the best of us.
Originally posted by Dris
Anyone else notice a change in iChat today? I was using it, and then out of nowhere I noticed I had a little "groups" thingamajig... Maybe I'm dumb and did something I didn't notice, or it just updated right under my nose! I think it's the former ;).

Command+shift+g ;)
lol...Well, I'm not even talking about the groups drawer. I didn't even see the little "All Groups" menu above the buddy list that lets you choose the group you want to look at. It seriously just came out of nowhere, and I don't think you can show or hide it. Maybe I just overlooked, but wow, even I don't overlook something *that* obvious! :p