iChat Connection Alert??


"Could not connect to AIM, You have attempted to login too often in a short period of time. Wait a few minutes before trying to login again."

If I see this window one more time, I'm going to scream. Here's the deal...I start up my mac, I click on the iChat icon, and the program starts freaking out, it flashes and flickers. And then my AIM account tries to connect and that stupid "iChat Connection Alert" window pops up. I left it alone for a few minutes and still the same problem. I restarted the computer and double checked my preferences and still the same problem. I tried to sign onto AIM from my Dell and I got the same "you're trying to connect too soon..." message, so I figured it was an issue having to deal with AIM itself. So I left it alone for a day and just tried to sign on again and the Connection Alert window popped up again. Can somebody help me please??
This morning I simply couldn't connect with iChat/AIM. Some db-error. Have to try again later, but it really might be an AIM problem, although I guess one would read about that on the major sites...
Also, I have been receiving "You are logged on to AIM from two computers -- type '1' to log off the other computer blah blah" messages quite frequently, which leads me to believe that my password had been compromised. Of course, I changed it immediately and the problems stopped.

It could be that someone/thing is trying to obtain your password, and is doing so by trying to log on over and over with your AIM username, trying different passwords. In this case, there's really nothing you can do to prevent them from trying, but you can change your password to or verify that you're using a very strong, hard-to-guess password for your AIM account.