iChat on XFiles! 5/12/02

Does the X Files suck without Duchovny

  • Yes, it licks 'em. Licks 'em hard.

  • Nah, it ain't so bad. Its nice to see Robert Patrick doing good work.

  • Well, its nice to see Robert Patrick doing good work, but the show still sucks.


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Frantic Messenger of Hope
So when Agent Dogget and Rayus (actually i don't know if that's right, personally i think the show sucks w/out duchovny) were video chatting w/ Scully across the country, guess what they were using?

iChat on Mac OS 10.2.

Got it on tape, freezeframed on Scully's side of the convo, and damned it on her Apple Flat Panel we had a dock pinned left-bottom, and an apple-branded video chat program front and center. The dock also has a bunch of apps i haven't bothered to decode yet but will and i'll post what i see.

How come they get it and we don't?!?!
I noticed the flatscreen and the video chat but I didn't catch what application she was using. If it were real, it would have to be iChat because of the MPEG-4 encoding. You'd never get that good quality over the web with anything less. Unfortunately since it's Hollywood, they were probably chatting via Finalcut Pro :)
nope. it's definitely iChat. Its a brushed-metal interface slightly reminiscent of iTunes, with a clearly worded portion uptop reading: "Video Conference: Connection Initiated"

it was beautiful.
yeah... X-Files whomps big ones without Mulder. I was a huge fan... I have X-Files books !!! But now I cannot wait for the last episode. Quit before you are canned !
I liked the show when there was no big coverup consperacy theory every episode. Each episode had a problem, and they solved it. Next time there was no mention of it.

I think it started to get less interesting when they grouped everything together and then it really died when Mulder left.
When you post the shot, I'll tell you if it really is Jaguar's iChat or if its some lousy knockoff (as may well be the case)... iChat in its current state has NO video support whatsoever; nor is it mentioned to ever have it anywhere...
y'know i've actually been thinking that it is NOT iChat. But keep in mind what Steve said at the shareholder meeting about videoconferencing: "Stay Tuned." So you're right, this probably ISN'T iChat, but something else new and cool. And its definitely Apple, as it has a nice big fat Apple logo on the top left side of the chat window.

i'll get my 8600 hooked up 2nite if possible and I'll have the screenshots up. sorry its been so long, busy week!