Icons vs previews?


Hey Everybody -

Haven't been around since the public beta days. Things have really grown!

Here's the question: I've been exploring icons and previews, in particualr in the the column view in the finder. I've noticed some bizarre behavior.

Some items display a nice, crisp clean image for the preview that is LARGER than 128 x 128. Using Graphic converter, it's possible to create previews with user controlled size, but these previews are only visible under Get Info. These files, however, cannot (or do not) display this large preview in the column view. Wierd.

I know that the small icon has the large 128 x128 icon (created in GC).


Does anyone understand the cascade?
There is a really good explanation in the help for Iconographer under "Icon Basics". I can't cut and paste it though, so you'll have to take my word for it.

And, yes, GraphicConvertor does create thumbnail-view icons, but only does this automatically when there is no thumbnail there already. Some programs create a low-res thumbnail, which GC leaves alone. You can use the "Convert" funtion and select "Icon / Preview" to force it to create thumbnail icons for a whole directory of pictures.

I hope that helps.
will doing this make the Icons I have changed reflect the change in the column view and the tool bar? I will change the icon but it is only visible in the large folder view. I want to change the icons in the column view along with the toolbar icons.
Thanks for the replies. Yeah, I am intersted in changing the views for the column view specifically, since I rarely use icon view. I've noticed that if there is no preview present with the file, OS X will create one, but it is much slower than if one has been generated in advance).

Thanks again fro your help