I'd like to see someone get this avi working on a mac...


Icon specialist
I know the whole AVI situation on OS X is pretty farcical, but this takes the cookie. I've gotten everything I've wanted to, to work so far on OS X but this one simply doesn't want to play ball. I've installed a load of codecs:

Divx 5

Evey time I try to open it in QT6, it doesn't work, that's with the MPEG2 component as well. It also crashed VLC for me. Windows media player being the piece of crap it is, doesn't recognise it.

The only way I got it to play was in VPC in Windows 2000, clean install and it *just plays* :mad:

Here's the AVI, I'd be extremely surpised (and of course grateful) if anyone could get this to work under OSX:

Please indicate where you get your CODEC from. Some may be out of date.
The codecs are all up to date, I'm no mug when it comes to getting this sort of thing to work. I've never had any problems before.

It's an MPEG4 codec but it doesn't seem to be a standard one. It plays in windows without any additional installs.
Here's some additional info if it helps:

MPlayer 0.90pre3-2.95.2 (C) 2000-2002 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS!)

Reading /Users/gredner/.mplayer/codecs.conf: can't open '/Users/gredner/.mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
Reading /usr/local/share/mplayer/codecs.conf: 34 audio & 91 video codecs
font: can't open file: /Users/gredner/.mplayer/font/font.desc
font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
Using usleep() timing
Can't open input config file /Users/gredner/.mplayer/input.conf : No such file or directory
Falling back on default (hardcoded) config
Playing /Users/gredner/Desktop/cmr3-4-trackshakedown-190702-mp
Detected AVI file format!
MainAVIHeader.dwFlags: (16) HAS_INDEX
VIDEO: [4GPM] 320x240 24bpp 25.00 fps 2366.1 kbps (288.8 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:3 fourcc:0x3447504D size:320x240 fps:25.00 ftime:=0.0400
Detected audio codec: [pcm] drv:2 (Uncompressed PCM)
Selecting Audio Decoder: [pcm] Uncompressed PCM audio decoder
AUDIO: srate=32000 chans=2 bps=2 sfmt=0x20 ratio: 128000->128000
Requested video codec family [mpeg4ds] (vfm=4) not available (enable it at compile time!)
Requested video codec family [mpeg4] (vfm=2) not available (enable it at compile time!)
Can't find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x3447504D !
*** Try to upgrade /Users/gredner/.mplayer/codecs.conf from etc/codecs.conf
*** If it's still not OK, then read DOCS/codecs.html!
AO: [sdl] 32000Hz Stereo Signed 16-bit (Big-Endian)
SDL: Samplerate: 32000Hz Channels: Stereo Format Signed 16-bit (Big-Endian)
Video: no video!!!
Start playing...
A: 10.0 0.3% 0%
Hmm, this is rather bizarre. It appears someone is using a very uncommon method of dumping MSMPEG4 video into an AVI. Usually people use a DivX compatible format, and I recall seeing 4GPM being associated with DivX at some point, but I cannot confirm.

Really, the only thing I can think of is to check the AVI using DivX Validator in the DivX 5 download from divx.com... if it barfs over the AVI, then you are in some serious trouble. (Most PCs can't play DivX content out-of-the-box, so this really appears to be an issue of someone actually embedding *REAL* MSMPEG4 content in an AVI, which wouldn't need the DivX codec since the MSMPEG4 codec is included with WMP)

Bizarre, truly bizarre.
Actually, DivX Validator was also described to fix minor errors in the headers and the like. So if this is just a glitch or something, running it might not be a bad thing.
Cross-Forum posting.

I just read this over at MacNN Forums.

Doesn't Mac Windows Media Player play AVI's? I know it plays proprietary WMV files.
Have you tried vlc from www.videolan.org. As far as I am concerned, this is the one stop shop for divx/ avi playing on the MC, and has always handled strange dovx files with suround tracks etc.

If you are running a G4, feel free to run the latest 0.62, but if you are on a G3, 0.46 is less flash but performs better
Ok, I just downloaded the file. As soon as the file was done downloading, it automatically launched using MPlayer and played. I also got it to play using VLC.

I haven't installed any type of codecs on my system, running 10.3.1.

Just to let you know.

(Looks like a sweet game.)
i think byronw70 has had too much triptophan. :p

please pay attention to things like datedness when responding to threads folks.

so move along, nothing to more to see here. :rolleyes:
edX said:
i think byronw70 has had too much triptophan. :p

please pay attention to things like datedness when responding to threads folks.

so move along, nothing to more to see here. :rolleyes:

Good to see that our CODECs and other software also improve with time !