Idisk over 200GB Size


i have a very strange issue with my idisc ..

df -h shows:
/dev/disk2s2 215Gi 215Gi 179Mi 100%

wich means the idisk is 215GB Big ... wich is not possible as i have only 20GB on .mac ;-)

i dissabled sync already and reestablished a new disk .. but the same thing is happening.

on my ibook .. (sync of the same disk) there is no problem at all and the disk is the size its supposed to be.

the machine have the problem is running 10.5.1 (update not possible)
the other machines use the same idisk have 10.5.2 and 10.5.4 without any problem.
I've seen the same thing on my machine. Sometimes iDisk reports that it's huge.

The issue eventually cleared itself up -- I don't think it's anything wrong with your Mac; rather, I think it's some kind of inconsistency or something on Apple's side of the network.
well the problem is that because of that .. my Startup Disc is always full with reserved 180GB of data ;-)

yes i think you are right .. because somehow the issue did solve itself .. but now its back again.

resync the disc completly also solve it,
but well resyncing almost 6000 files is pain in the .....

and it last just a weeke or so and its back again ..