IE and StuffIt


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I was wondering how I can get IE to stop opening the classic version of StuffIt when I download software? It is really annoying.

Thank-you for any help!
I've got the same problem ,but I guess that if you go into the "prefs" of IE and put all the links with stuffit within "file helpers"

And then goto stuffit(macosx) and select in the prefs all filetypes; it might work out.

I've tried to set the helpers in IE, but you can't for some reason.
The dialogue box will only let you select pre OS X apps.

Another problem is with proxies. The HTML one will NOT turn on!

Ahh well, I suppose that it is a preview release...

What if you delete the helpers, the next time you download for example a .sit file it might ask you with which program to use it.

Maybe a try worth
My proxie setting just work fine, so I wouldn't know what the problem would be.

Just delete the classic version of Stuffit. Stiffit is a carbon app now so the version included in X will run in Classic. Problem solved.
This may sound really stupid, but I am new to MacOS.
How would I delete the classic StuffIt?
Originally posted by jdog
This may sound really stupid, but I am new to MacOS.
How would I delete the classic StuffIt?

Drag the file to the trash and empty the trash. You may want to change the "Mac OS X God!" thing if your new to the Mac ;),