IE in 10.2

Originally posted by Bluefusion
Just tried IE in 10.2...

What are you guys talking about? It's slow, bloated, crappy and ugly. OmniWeb in 10.2 is a LOT faster...

To load the start page, IE took exactly as long as it did in 10.1.3... I see no difference...?

Must be just you, because there's a huge difference for me.

Since you have the iMac 800, that might be why.
Huh. Wierd. Well, whatever works... basically, from what I can tell in the Jaguar Dev Prev (so far) is that apps that use Quartz antialiasing (read: OmniWeb) got a big increase in the speed of the render because it's now being done by the video card. Applications that don't use Quartz rendering but that have a lot of things processing simultaneously (read: IE) got a speedup on slower machines because the multithreading in 10.2 works much better now. Also, once 10.1.5 comes out (of course Jaguar has this built in) and Carbon apps are rewritten to use Quartz antialiasing (which is a simple patch) then everything will get a significant speedup in Jaguar. Does this seem accurate?
it's false to think 'multithreading works much better now'. the *Finder* uses multithreading now. are you using the IE build supplied by Jaguar or the one you've installed with 10.1? my IE is *much* smoother and faster now. I don't have a QE enabled graphics card and OW is as slow as before, thus I'm using IE at the moment in Jaguar and OW in 10.1.
OK, I'm sorry! :) I installed 10.2 as my main system ("Archive old Mac OS X and Install New Mac OS X" option).... and... WOAH.

IE is incredible!

Sorry for the confusion, guys. This is amazing!

OmniWeb still looks better, but for some reason I can't choose it as my default browser... so I use IE.. no biggie... man, if it's this fast AND it loads everything properly (which it does, since it's IE)... wow.
What's the difference between that and what you did before?

Didn't it install the new applications or something the first time?

I don't know what it does since I installed it on a second disk.
Before I had it set to install on a seperate FireWire hard drive... and this time it was installed on my main drive, overwriting existing apps when it could... and the speed increase IS phenomenal. :)
OK, so before your /Applications was on your Firewire drive?

I'm just wondering why this would make such a big difference(though I'm glad it did):p

I WANT OS X.2 NOW! :mad: Please SOMEONE HELP ME NOWWWW! ! I WANNA TRY IE on X.2....... :( plz??
