IE killed Office?


I just got back from a weeks vacation and installed the new IE. Now i can't get any of the office products to work (word, powerpoint, ...). They crash on start up. Also i've had Flash crash many times this morning. The only thing i can think of is that i updated IE. I've restarted and ran fsck on start up but nothing helps. Any ideas?

Originally posted by twister
i even tried re-installing. it still crash's on startup. :(


uninstalling IE and seeing if the other apps still work (so you can be sure it's IE that's causing the conflict)? I don't have Flash MX so I can't say anything about that, but all my office products seem to work just fine after the IE update.

Mine is working fine after the update. Office and everything else. Waiting for MX to be installed before I can give you any feedback. Can you believe in SIngapore, Flash MX is not in yet? Gee...
Flash is fine now. It's just office that won't start up at all. Funny thing is everything works fine at home. No conflicts. I wonder why.


I just delted about all microsoft files and programs (except IE) that i could find. I then re-installed off the CD, then ran the updator, then started word. It asked for my Key, i entered it, and word started. But when it go to Optimizing Font Menu Performance it then crashed.

So what's that mean? Do i have a bad font somewhere?

I had a similar problem when I updated IE to 5.2 and ran the Office X SR1 updates. I could not launch any Office X app. I tried removing and reinstalling, it did not help at all. I noticed that I had some fonts that their names started with symbols (no letters). Font names that started with the "#" sign and so on. I removed them, then every word app. started working.

Good luck
Thanks belashti.

I looked through my fonts, but didn't find anything with a # sign in it. But i did remember that i installed some for a project a few weeks ago. I removed them and Office works! Why would Adobe products work fine but Office can't even run with some fonts installed? Geez

I recently reinstalled everything on my machine, because it was crashing daily at least, and iTunes wouldn't play audio! Why did this happen? I know it happened after I patched Internet Explorer to 5.2, I know that... and with all of the same programs on my machine afterwards, aside from IE 5.2, it is once again completely stable.

I think that Microsoft just wanted Mac users to experience the pain of running a Windows machine. Thats why I got my Mac, you bastards.

I just use OmniWeb and Mozilla for my browsing now. Internet Explorer can screw.

-Agent Oranje.
Stupid IE. Why do people still use that :).

The installer asks for your admin password and makes you quit all apps. All other browser installers are just on a dmg.