By now you should be up to speed as to what you purchased. But if not, I'll try to inform you.
You purchased a 2nd generation iMac commonly referred to as a Rev.B. There have been 22 newer imacs produced since and the new iMacs on the market today are Revs 23-27. The iMac Rev.B was produced in 1998 and was
discontinued in 1999. The Rev.B iMac 233 MHz PowerPC 750 (G3) processor, 32 MB of RAM, a 4.0 GB to 6.0GB hard drive, and a Rage Pro Turbo graphics acceleration card to include a crystal-clear 15" color screen.
The hard-drive, spins at a paltry 4400-RPMs (todays hard-drives spin at 7700 RPMs) and this machine's max RAM is probably 256MB from 2, 128MB RAM chips.
I agree with IBJ in that I hope you are not using this '20 revision behind', 6-7 year old machine, to ACTUALLY form an opinion about MAC's. Because this would be like buying a Ford PINTO to compair against todays modern cars.
I agree with Cheryl in that you purchased this iMac with a faulty OS load. Every iMac, fresh out of the box, loads and runs on the 1st try.
G/re/P is correct in that you should attempt to get your money back!
Elander too, is correct, in that to resolve your problem, you need to revert to OS 8.5/8.6 and then upgrade into OS 9.
The machine you have can be upgraded to OS 9.2.2 but it can not handle the current generation OS, OS X. It doesn't have the RAM support, the CPU is WAY too slow and the hard-drive is just, plain, clunky. Ohhh... you can spend some money to update parts here and there, but in the end...
You should have done some homework, Dude, as you made a bad choice by selecting THIS machine to get acquanted with Apple!