If not Apple laptop then which one?


I just looked around IBM's site and it looks pretty sorry. I mean a $2000 ThinkPad X has 8mb of vram? and a pentium III? Whats up with that? I don't know if I want an iBook because I thought maybe I could find a faster PC laptop . If I can't get my dream laptop (TiBook) are there any comparable PC laptops out ther?
IBMs are no good anymore... if you are looking to spend major cash on a laptop withe XP... check this out: http://www.bestbuy.com/detail.asp?e=11178359&m=488&cat=494&scat=495
I was in a market for a laptop a while back, and I looked at all my options, and the Apple laptops became the most attractive.

This was the justifications for my TiBook.

In terms of build quality and size/weight... Only the IBM T-series and Toshiba Tecras could compete. They use Mg alloy composite bodies, which are almost as nice as Ti, and their weight isn't ridiculous (not like the high end Sony and Dell).

However, those two PC laptops are also in the $3000.00 range! When configured to compete against the TiBook, they costed as much if not more than the Apple! So I went with the Apple.

In terms of cheaper laptops (i.e. the iBook price range), there is nothing that compares to it. Sure, you can find plenty of cheap PC laptops, and they may have a higher MHz chip, but they are often heavy and made of cheap plastic. I had an iBook before the TiBook, and I can say that they are QUALITY machines - the plastics are not cheap at all and the LCD was gorgeous.

If you have to go for PC laptops... Look at...

IBM - At least the T-Series, A-Series are okay too if you don't mind the size.

Toshiba - Only the Tecras, others are crappy, cheap plastic machines.

Sony - Great features, but can be expensive and HEAVY!!! It's nice to have a 16.1" UXGA screen, but I don't need a work out everytime I compute!
all i can say is this, no IBM, they stink in speed, really slow, sub par components, something like emachines, get a dell, or a gateway, used to have 2 gateways and they are really good, and they work, my work, LAUSD, got a ton of ibm iseries and ibooks, they all have problems, like stability, slowness, and alot of cd rom and heat problems. i traded my ibm for a 500 ibook back, since my first ibook had 3 bad pixels, but stay away from ibm, plz
i would not go back to pc laptops. currently with an ibook and hopefully one day with a tibook...

i think vaio's look quite cool though... and i had an acer. but i want a mac ... and OS X.

an alternative to get more for less could be getting a second hand tibook.
Remember you get what you pay for. Cheap price means cheap parts means break downs. If your really want a windows machine look at Micron or Dell. If you want a machine that works when you need it to, get an Apple.
Oh... you want a *CHEAP* PC Laptop...
I have no recommendations then. :p

Like I've said, only Apple and Sony are worth it to me... any other and you're throwing your money away.

Cheapest I'd go is defenatly an Apple iBook (altho I don't have experience with them yet - this is my next computer if I can't afford the Ti Book), and up from there.
You can find something in whatever price range youre looking at, but whatever the spec, they're never gonna have the finesse and quality of finish that Apple portables have. Get a machine you're gonna enjoy!
Yeah ok I've come to this realization about two weeks ago, you people are acting a little silly. I mean you all just keep saying the same thing over and over.
i can't suggest and good pc laptops ... :p so i'd suggest a mac ... = ibook tibook or a second hand ibook or tibook ... a mac is a mac. why would anyone want a peecee laptop? :-?
there are laptops and there are books...
iBooks and Powerbooks..
I definately would'nt go for a laptop....
Originally posted by Da_iMac_Daddy
Well OK but if I got the point the first 20 times why say it 21 times?

Don't you just hate it when people resurect old / dead threads - and other people see it as a new / active thread and start responding to it as if it was indeed new? :D

Well, an Apple user group is probably the wrong place to ask about a PC laptop, you are almost certainly going to get a biased opinion!

Probably too late, but if it has to be a Windows-based laptop (like mine for work), I highly recommend the Fujitsu P-Series. The ultimate in portaility, but not the fastest thing around, It has the Transmeta Crusoe chip.