If you can't get the 10.1 upgrade....

Here's to hoping Apple posts the DevTools Image today or that someone can make it available soon.
People say that Apple couldn't make the update available for download because they lacked the bandwidth. Well.. they lack the physical infrastructure to distribute it through stores as well! My local Mac stores are all out of copies. Several are reserving the "free" updates to those who buy a (not-free) computer. Others have a wait-list.
This is ridiculous. If Apple is going to distribute updates, they need to invest in some infrastructure. Either they need to buy bandwidth, or they need to strengthen their retail presence, or they need to get a warehouse which can quickly ship things through the mail (instead of in 6-8 weeks).
It is a real pain that Apple has done none of this whatsoever.
I'm complaining now and I'll complain when I finally get the update and the DVD player won't run on my G4.
I'll keep on complaining about Apple because all MacOS X has been is a long series of mistakes.
I do *not* just have a bad attitude. Mac is Mac because it works. MacOS X has totally changed that, in every sense.
Regardless how byzantine and backwards Apple's distro methodology is -- all I can say is that 10.1 rocks. Very.

DVD of "The Gift" is playing in the background. Onscreen brightness and volume controls. I'd broken some things over the last few months: Sound works again; booting to 9 works again. New mail.app, IE upgraded to 5.1.2 (?).

IE took 3 bounces. Terminal took 10 (!!) (12 on next try) (what's the story with that!?). On the whole, there is no wait longer than 2-4 seconds, and most is immediate. Very, very snappy. I knew I missed a fast Finder... I just didn't know how much. System lags a little during DVD (i.e., cycles directed away from interface towards dvd).

It's worth upgrading, by any means necessary.

NOTE: Interestingly, a semi-sheer terminal window doesn't let you look through to the DVD player -- you just get a blank background where the terminal intersects with the DVD screen.
I don't know what all the fuss is about. I got back from vacation on Saturday and saw on the Apple site that the 10.1 upgrade was available and free to current owners. I called Microcenter and they said to come down and just say you have 10.0 and they would give you the package! They ordered 500 upgrade packages to start and had about 20 left by the time I got there. My wife has worked in retail all her life. She says it's better to run out of product than to be overstocked.

Anyways, I got it and it does R O C K !
Ok, just so you know, the Kansas City CompUSA now has their CDs. I just picked mine up today and I'm going to install it tonight.
I reserved my copy on Saturday at the Apple Store in SoCal and they came in today. There going to hold all of the reserved copies until Wednesday. Also my friend who is an Account Exec for CompUSA said that all the CompUSA's are getting in a second shipment this week.
Have you tried to give feedback to Apple? I've been looking for an e-mail address to which I could send it.

I'll gladly send one, a big one!
I was just wondering, if you don't break the seal on the software package, then you are not bound by the license agreement. As I recall it says by breaking this seal you agree to be bound by the license agreement inside.

Does that mean that you can redistribute as long as the seal is not broken? And how do you define redistribute. Does that mean that the FedEx guy is redistributing to the CompUSA receiving guy who redistributes to the sales clerk who redistributes to you.

By agreeing to the terms of the license agreement before you even open and read it is kinda like signing a contract before you read it. It seems to me that if that agreement were to be enforcable, they could literally state in the license agreement that you agree to pay them $10.00 a day while using the software or until you surrender it back to Apple.

I get the feeling that most of these software agreements would not be enforcable in a court of law with a sharp attorney.

What do you think?
Nope, if you open the seal, you aren't bound by the agreement. It's as soon as you install the software. They're just saying you can't sell it to anyone, etc... Also, did you see that little clause "If you disagree with this agreement return it to your local retailer for a full refund." I don't know if they put it in there, but it's a standard one that allows you to get out of the whole thing.
Snail mail really came through. Apple up to date ordered on Wednesday, arrived Friday, (the Friday just before it was released) Because I don't consider myself to be in any way special by postal standards, I think that anyone in thu U.S. whining about this issue is really making a big case out of nothing.

Also, in the U.S, everything is illegal, Everything. The question lies in what's worth enforcing. If you are distributing something that is being given away for free, I don't see why Apple would be motivated to beat on you!

And the bound by breaking the seal thing will be easily defeatable as soon as we get matter replicators like in Star Trek. ;-)

But really, we can all spot problems ... who has a solution? I think Apple distributed to local centers, and allowed mail at a light cost, and have been generally cool about the whole thing. If you think something different should be done, figure out what that thing should be, and suggest it. It's called constructive criticism. I love all y'all Aplle folk out there, as you don't want to tolerate mediocrity; but unless you help come up with a solution, you're part of the problem.

I apologize if I'm stepping on toes here, but this thread really seems to be about whining instead of about understanding a problem and finding a solution. ... and that's about the nicest thing I can say about that.
OK, I'll try to make this sound not-too-whiney...

My 2 local CompUSA stores grossly underestimated the demand for the 10.1 update and both ran out of copies on the first day. I've spoken with the store manager of each store and they have no idea when more copies will arrive.

Is Apple sending more copies for a "2nd wave" of updates to the stores, or am I just out of luck and need to order it online?

(There. That wasn't too whiney, was it? ;) )
You're swell.

I think it'd be great to tell more CompUSA et al managers about their grossly underestimating demand for Apple products. maybe they'll learn? If it's just the update, it seems if they were cooler they could have been burning copies and giving those away if what I've heard about Apple stores doing the same is true. But alas, CompUSA will have a hard time being as cool as an Apple store.