cabbage: alright. it's the file called Cloak19-OutOfSight.mp3, correct? is that your band?
anyways, i'm listening to it now, here's some comments:
- nice recording. i know you said it's rough, but it sounds pretty polished to me, except maybe the drums. not in playing quality, but just sound, they seem to be mostly panned to the right.
- you also mentioned that the vox need so? they sound well produced and good to me.
- i don't really see a solo in there, myself. the song works well without one, that's my opinion.
- this track really reminded me of this great band i'm friends with from North Dakota, they're called Meddle. this song sounds a lot like them, actually. and they rule. so this song rules too.
- all in all i think this song is pretty damn good as it is. makes a decent demo, at the very least.