Although the epsodes have been getting ok, they all are absolute saturday morning cartoons compared to The Next Generation.
The characters were better, the theme song was better (low blow, I know...), the stories were better (they brought closure, yet left room for much more), the ship was cooler, bla bla bla
ok, so I'm stiff as bill gates in a jar of liquid nitrogen, but still... sniff sniff sniff... Where is Picard?!?!
the borg? Tasha Yahr, Worf, Riker, Data (gosh I miss that guy)..... the list goes on.
Now we have the expressionless volkin lady I want to strangle every day, the smirking captin and his pooch, the translator that doesn't know anything yet is on the federation's flag ship, the doctor from who knows where that belongs as a side on fruit salad, and lets not forget the other crew members who all lump into the "might as well have been a walk on" character group...
pant pant pant pant...
ok, I feel better now. Flame on!