If you thought the iMac looked like Luxor Jr. (the Pixar Lamp)

Your signature says:

rm -Rf /bin/laden/
chmod a+rwx /bin/freedom/

which I find a bit harsh. I don't really want to start a flame war, but do the American people *really* dare to think that what their government does right now has anything to do with freedom? I mean, it's okay that they want to try and find the terrorist who was responsible for the attack of September 11th, but starting a war against almost every country of which the US *think* they might have something to do with terrorism (and leaving out countries that *do* host terrorism but also are good for the US economy) cannot only not be right, it's a straight slap in the FACE of 'freedom'. we should never have given something like Miss Liberty to the States. and the UNO should *definitely* do something against the US right now. But well, the US opted for beauty instead of intelligence when they voted for Bush. Oh wait... :)
And Switzerland is soooooooooooo innocent. Please. ;)
You're like that cute little bunny in "The Holy Grail." :rolleyes:

btw What does :chmod a+rwx /bin/freedom/ mean for us Mac old-schoolers
**Bubba sitting afoot of lady liberty with Flamethrower in hand..muttering under his breath, "Burn Baby Burn", while Bin Laden is slowing simmering ontop of a bonfire.**

I don't need a bomb, I would happily bust through his ribcage and yank his heart out and I'll do it free of charge.

But to say the least; to each their opinion...

Now on topic.. I love the new short clips of the iMac. I like the one where it's looking at it's cd drive popping in and out..good stuff
posted by fryke
I don't really want to start a flame war, but do the American people *really* dare to think that what their government does right now has anything to do with freedom?

You know, this was a nice light hearted thread before you posted in it. But just out of curiosity, why do you feel that your government is any better? But lets look at your signature:

signature of fryke
The United States of America are always right. Why? Because they have the bomb. (And most of the time, they don't get sarcasm.)

And that is not "a bit harsh"? Have you ever heard the saying people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? You should try moving past your bigotry. You seem to want to put your problems (what ever they are) on to the people of the US. Sorry, but get a life. But before you do, lets get back to the rest of your post and see what other gems you have in there.

...but starting a war against almost every country of which the US *think* they might have something to do with terrorism (and leaving out countries that *do* host terrorism but also are good for the US economy) cannot only not be right, it's a straight slap in the FACE of 'freedom'.

And what to do call snuggling up to countries that have invaded their neighbors, sponsored terrorism, and have used biological weapons on their own people and still practice nuclear arms testing? There are some countries in Europe that make any straight slap in the FACE of 'freedom' by the US government look righteous! Get you own dirty laundry in order first, them you can talk about how bad the US is.

we should never have given something like Miss Liberty to the States.

Sense when are you part of France (more than a century ago)? That would be like me saying that we should have let Europe deal with it's own problems during _________ (you pick, WWI, WWII, the Cold War). When you guys need help, you seem to have no problems running to us with hat in hand, but if we need help (even in the smallest of ways) most of you guys turn your backs on us. At least with Canada, the UK, Australia, and Japan we have someone we can depend on.

and the UNO should *definitely* do something against the US right now.

You mean like throwing us a big thank you party for all the money and lives that we sacrifice to make sure that you have the right to put us down when ever you please? (Do you think you could have that freedom if your country had been taken over by the Soviets? I think not.)

I got an idea, let go back to enjoying the company of other (no matter where they are from) in stead of attacking people because of the country they live in. Mind you, I love a good argument, so we can continue on indefinitely with your topic if you like. :D
His signature has been like that since 9/11, kinda late to notice... ok break it up -- you wanna debate take it to a new thread :p this is a light hearted one ;)
Okay, fine. :( (we just don't get as many PC troll as we used to)

On a lighter note!! :D


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RacerX just laid the smack down! :D

And by the way, G-Dub isn't exactly stupid. He's a real person, which is exactly why I like him. And I'd MUCH rather have him in charge right now than that other guy that was Clinton's VP. Damn, I forget his name! Oh and other countries aren't afraid of us because we have 'the bomb.' It's gonna take a lot more than some piss-ant radicals to get us to bust out the weapon which I doubt we'll ever do again. The Marines are probably more threatening than 'the bomb' anyhow.

"We surrender!" -France

Oops! This was back to a happy thread wasn't it...
hey whoa whoa whoa

let's not give the impression that EVERY American wants the US to remove every single government that doesn't toe the US's line. I for one would like to see the US get off its moral high horse and stand with the rest of the world in dealing with problems. can't we all just be friends?
But when will the killing end?

Anyway, those iMac ads are pretty rockin' (can we at least agree on that?) It's just about time to upgrade the ol' 233 iMac.
Originally posted by dlookus
btw What does :chmod a+rwx /bin/freedom/ mean for us Mac old-schoolers

In OSX (and Linux/Unix OSes), in Terminal/Console mode, there is a directory called /bin where a bunch of executables and other system directories are.

Now let's say you just created a directory in /bin called "freedom" (normally you would not be creating directories or mucking with anything in /bin unless you really knew what you where doing!) and you want every user on your system to have full access to it, from the /bin/ directory you would use the above command (as Super User, ROOT or sudo), chmod (change/modify) a (all) + (add the following properties) rwx (read, write and execute).

Thus, giving everyone full and equal rights to freedom.


Originally posted by fryke
Your signature says:

rm -Rf /bin/laden/
chmod a+rwx /bin/freedom/

which I find a bit harsh.

A bit harsh?

You don't want to go there with me...

That is from my own personal feelings - not that of the goverment where I live.

I'm a very passive person... and do not agree with fighting or war...

Until my home, my friends, family, loved ones are threatened, hurt, killed or otherwise endangered...

Then you release a beast that will not stop until it has destroyed the threat and recovers what has been taken away or makes sure that it will not happen again.

I don't care who they are, I don't care where they're from... They attacked my home, my friends, my family... They can ONLY expect nothing but harshness from me! I'm FURRIOUS that an old back injury stoped me from joining the US forces and going to kick some @$$! :mad:

And this has NOTHING to do with whoever is in the White House!
Originally posted by bubbajim

Now on topic.. I love the new short clips of the iMac. I like the one where it's looking at it's cd drive popping in and out..good stuff

I find that one, a little - um... questionable... (exactly, what is he doing???!!! lol)
But all I see is an innocent curious little kid experimenting and having fun... Both with Luxor Jr. and the new iMac.

I love it! :D

Originally posted by Tormente
Until my home, my friends, family, loved ones are threatened, hurt, killed or otherwise endangered...

I want to see something happen to terrorism... why? September 11th, my cousin was working at the Pentagon, where he has for the past year (now he's in Israel... God help him over there). He saved 12 innocent lives from being ended... guess where he was... the BRAND NEW offices, where his was, in the exterior corridor... he had called us on Friday, September 7, 2001 to tell us he had moved into the new offices and that he would come see us sometime in January, which is now not possible thanks to terrorism...

Want proof? Send me a PM... I'll send you the text of the nationally syndicated article he was in...
Personally, I don't like rm -Rf /bin/laden at all.

I prefer:
chmod 111 /bin/laden

For the non-unix guys out there the first line sets execute priviledges on the laden file (located under bin) and the second line executes it.

As for the movies, I've seen them before. Sometime I think I'm done reading the Internet. Every site worth reading has been fully consumed. :)

argh! not this again!
it was a waste of time the first time around ... :rolleyes:

but back on topic: love the new luxor jr. ads ... i hope apple gets them on tv! (as i hope apple starts advertising os x on tv ... enough of those flying xp-people! :))
Originally posted by Tormente
chmod (change/modify) a (all) + (add the following properties) rwx (read, write and execute).
Thus, giving everyone full and equal rights to freedom.
Personally, I prefer:

<script language="political doublespeak"> <!-- hide from more intelligent citizens
function rant() {
    var dictionary = new Array()
    dictionary = db.extract('buzzwords, cliches')
    if (CIA.files.binladen.whereabouts == null) {
        for (i=0;i<about_two_hours;i++) {
            var tmp = Math.random();
            tmp = Math.round(tmp*dictionary.length);  //random word generator
            var word = dictionary[tmp];
            speech += word;
    var Dubya = USA.people.president
// -->

Bernie :eek:)
My apologies. Truly. For both abusing this light-hearted thread for a political argument and for hurting anybody's feelings. I just can't grok the concept behind starting new wars in old places, I guess.

If the attack of 2001-09-11 was against the US alone, then I can understand a 'reply' to the attacker by the US. But Bush says he wants to do quite a bit more than that.

If the attack of 2001-09-11 was against 'freedom' or 'the world', then I think the 'reply' must be developped at UNO, not by the USA.

That someone must do something about the really *big* problem that terrorism is to all of us human beings (not just the 'freedom countries' Bush is talking about) is exactly what I think. But the 'who' is important here. And even more important - to me - is the 'how'.

The problem I have with 'the American people' - and by this I mean what I'm getting by talking to the Americans I know, I'm well aware that not everybody thinks the same - is that they tend to think they're always right. And that they never *really* asked themselves what the USA (the country) has done to deserve such an attack. Terrorism is a symptom of a disease. And what the US are doing now is in my opinion fighting symptoms. And that's a task where - at the end of the day - the world can only lose.