If You're a Gamer...

Originally posted by stealth
no i cant wait. especially if im on a plane goin from greece to england( or sweden) . it would be cool to take out my powerbook and start playin jedi knight. or halo. or watch a DVD on that huge screen :P its excitin.. :P

So im not the only one who has an urge to show off her mac in the airports and planes.. last time someone showed off his 15" PB in milan going to london, i had suddenly to start to play with deimos on my ibook.. kewl, 2 travellers only playing with computers (yea, workin') and both on macs.. :p

"Excuse me, madame, could you please switch off that thing during the takeoff" <<< i showed the hostess my 'pod was off (empty screen) and it looked like she never had seen an ipod..
Ill just be happy when they release 1942, thats all anyone plays at LAN's these days from what Ive seen. SIMS online would be cool too though.

I will be extremely happy when Battlefield 1942 is released for Mac (if ever). I can tell you it's the only game I play on LAN, though at the place where I play, many of the people are still hooked on Counterstrike.

Regardless of which platform runs games better, if everyone showed steadfast commitment to the Mac, rather than buying a PC or console to play games, we would probably see better treatment of us Mac users as computer users and people by game companies, urging them to develop (natively, even!) for the Mac because their games would sell more. Only by taking a stand, holding fast to our favorite platform and urging companies to treat us equally can we change anything. (Compare platform wars to skin color {not race-we are all one race} wars of the last century-only after major protests, massive marches, mega legislation, etc. did blacks gain equal rights and protection under the law.)
I voted yes, because I have an XBOX (technically a PC) for games and a PS2.

I havent played any games on a Mac except Myst, Riven, and Harry the Handsome Executive... all years ago.

The consoles give me more than enough gaming entertainment, and I think thats where all the major game development is anyway, plus, using consoles makes it more of a family thing (in my house) than using the pc.
Here's the general breakdown.

• PC's are good for gaming if you want popular games when they come out, or games that will never meet any large cats, like Counterstrike or Battlefield 1942. They are good because they are *cough* easily upgradeable and they can connect you with thousands of different people all over the world. The disadvantage (besides they are not Macs) is that they are somewhat impersonal (irony for ya), they run Windows and they need the latest greatest hardware to run the latest greatest games, all at top dollar.

• Macs are good for gaming if you want some choice, quality titles, lesser known games like most of Ambrosia's offerings, or don't want to support Microsoft in the least. Advantages are on par with those of PC's: easy to upgrade, worldwide reach, plus ease of use and reliability. Disadvantages: it's a PC world meaning fewer titles, less support and less hardware; they are also machines you use alone, and they are somewhat pricey.

• Consoles are good for gaming because that is their sole purpose in life. (What I wouldn't pay for a PS2 that ran Photoshop!) They are cheap, idiot-proof and good for easily setting up a LAN-like situation with some friends or family. The disadvantages are mostly the advantages of computers: they don't go online in any fashion near that of computers, they can't connect you worldwide, they (for the most part) can't be upgraded, and they can't run anything else.

In any case, Mac and PC gaming aren't going anywhere. For one thing, computers lend themselves better to titles like Myst etc., Ares, Diablo etc., and so on. Many people also enjoy tricking out their systems with the latest greatest technology. (How many people do you know who have tinkered with their cars?) Computers do other tasks besides games, and modification is a piece of cake. Consoles are tweaked specifically for games and rarely if ever crash, yet they run the latest software for $300 or less. Of course, TV resolution is not as sharp, bright or colorful as a computer monitor, but they are bigger; also, gamepads lend themselves well to certain kinds of games (racing, sports, RPG's) but flounder on others (Medal of Honor with a joystick? Please!). In any case, each option has certain ramifications that must be considered when gaming, none is perfect, and none is going to go away any time soon.
My point of view is that while there are many great titles on consoles most of them blow chunks. Maybe its a personal taste thing but I prefer the kind of online multiplayer strategy titles on offer with the PC. You need the keyboard and mouse etc. Although it would be good to play more complex strategy games on consoles they just dont cut it unless you want fighter/racing/shootem ups...theyre boring.

I think if the Mac community pushed a little harder I would love to see more quality games which take a bit of mental thought come to our world...Warcraft III is a good start, but I would love to see Simcity 4, Homeworld 2, C&C Generals and others, come to the Mac and the Mac community really suport the mods and forum networks that these games come with them...

*Mind wanders off into the future*

Imagine. Im pasting some poor soul in Europe somewhere with my virtual armies on the big 20" screen, dual gig, maxed out Vcard and....ooooohhh......
Arden.. Besides playing good games the consoles play dvds and music cds. While these aren't spectacular features you did leave them out.

Disadvantage of online consoles:
A) too many opportunities to cheat/backstab opponent B) they want to eventually beat the game C) too much chatter and not enough playing
Advantage of online console:
A) a plethora of modifications B) gives a person a voice C) You can have tournaments with teams like in Tribes D) opportunities to cheat/backstab opponent.

If you were a gamer as the title suggests than it wouldn't matter whether it was keyboard/mouse or gamepad. It all depends on the storyline of the game and if it is enjoyable.
not yet, but my son, who has full access to the mac, will buy a PC for gaming.
Originally posted by Manta
I think if the Mac community pushed a little harder I would love to see more quality games which take a bit of mental thought come to our world...Warcraft III is a good start, but I would love to see Simcity 4, Homeworld 2, C&C Generals and others, come to the Mac and the Mac community really suport the mods and forum networks that these games come with them...

Be happy, SimCity 4 will be out in May (look at Aspyr's Website).
Hahah, you people amuse me :) Console games are just that, console games. They have their own feel and style of gameplay which, to me, is there no matter whether one is playing FF10 or SSB Melee. I play Soldier of Fortune 2 and 2 mods for Quake 3 (online only, of course... bot play is stupid). Even living in a dorm, it's easier to hop online and join a server than find 3 other friends who want to play game x. Besides, all shooter games (yes, even time splitters 2) are crap on the console, and don't try and tell me different... they will never have the control that a computer game will. That being said, some console games are good. But, I still like the feel of Quake-engine games better. Threewave is a blast, and Navy Seals is the best reality mod out there (yes, even better than SOF2, but my clan hasn't switched to NS... yet). Nonetheless, a gaming PC is an attractive option for games like Serious Sam which don't look like they will ever make it to the mac. Ah well. I really dislike working with Windows, though, and it's just not worth the bother (or the cost). If I had a PC, it'd be running suse and be serving my smtp and http.
I'm actually ditching my PCs for just gaming on my mac (Powerbook Ti800). I play some games, and they are available on my Powerbook...so I don't feel the urge to maintain two different platforms. Besides... I like being able to game anywhere!!! Powerbooks rock!! Woot!

if anyone wants to trade a mac for P4 PC check the for sale section on boards here.. I posted an add.
Well, this is what I was writing before the power went off...
Originally posted by ChoMomma
if anyone wants to trade a mac for P4 PC check the for sale section on boards here.. I posted an add.
That's not a fair trade! :D :D :D :D
My friend who has been using Macs all of his life has suddenly decided to get a PC for gaming, he cant stand the fact he cant play the games he wants. But, is it really worth spending the hundreds maybe thousands to get a decent PC? The requirements for games just keep getting greater, I don't know if I could afford upgrading two computers at a time. For example, when Doom 3 comes out it is going to have the largest requirements seenfor a game (thats just my prediction.)

I am starting to feel the frustration myself, and if games don't start getting made for Mac, then I will get a PC. The fact that companies aren't updating mac games is really sad, and its not fair!

Give it time... as people switch to Mac and OS X catches on big time, we'll probably start seeing an increase in the number and quality of games being produced. Like, when the Mac OS starts recapturing user base at an amazing rate.

Until then, there's always Virtual PC.
I have a Mac and I use it for Gaming. It stinks! If I want to play a game at a descent speed I have to go into the dull OS 9! I wish someone would find a solution to this annoying problem!
What specifically is the problem? If your computer's too slow, it's because it's 5 years old. You can't expect to run the latest greatest games on a 5-year-old computer on either platform. If you're serious about playing games on a Mac, you have to upgrade.