iframe help


can anyone help me out with something? On my homepage I want to have a iframe with my blog inside of it, but when I have the user click on links in that iframe, I want each and every one of those links to open in the parent window. is there some javascript or something that will force every link on that page to do this? Otherwise, would I have to go into the code of the blog script and edit all the links? some help would be greatly appreciated....
iframe link: <a href="path.html target="iframename....
non iframe link: <a href="path.html target="_top
I know that much.... I was wondering if there was any global that I could put in that would automatically make all of the links open in the "target='self'" area.....
i dont think so...i think youd have to run it thru a js script and put an if switch to load the one button into the iframe and the rest to self.....
i have to put this code:
<base target="_parent">
inside the iframe source and it works great! that way whenever someone clicks any link in the iFrame, it loads in the outer page...