
With the growth and popularity of GPS maybe apple could get on the band wagon, this neglected area of computing is growing and becoming a must have like the ipod. I propose apple should integrate waypoints in the address book download routes to ipod as notes, and create a software combining route planning not just for vehicles but also those who walk. The advantages a boost to ipod giving it another string, let it guide you while you listen( iRamble or iDrive ) DrBott could bring out a usb plug in GPS reciever and all documents can be saved and configured to be used as a map or route. There is already plenty of digital software maps and route finder software out there that a new system could use. If you work for apple or you have an opinion come on apple, i could be composing music or making a movie or sight seeing on a beach or mountain. If i knew how to get there, great opportunity to group accesories together as travel items
have you a opinion
!ntergration is Apple's true gift to software, if all software was left to third party software houses, apple would loose half of it's product line and we would be back in the bad old days. Third party software is available in OSX10.3.3 but not integrated with the Apple applications. Given the choice of one or the other, which would you use?
The costs passed on to all users wouldn't be worth it. Would it be available just in the US? What about if it was just used in the UK.
And it's lose, not loose. Baggy pants fit loose.

"I propose apple should integrate waypoints in the address book download routes to ipod as notes, and create a software combining route planning not just for vehicles but also those who walk."
You can do this already. Go to streetfinder or streetdirectory or whatever, get the driving directions and install on your iPod in the notes.
I've done it in several countries, which is a nice touch (and basically free and painless).

"and create a software combining route planning not just for vehicles but also those who walk."
That would be complicated. And bike routes? What about Rollerblades?
I travel quite a bit, both domestically and internationally. And I would love for greater integration between GPS and OSX, but I don't see why Apple should get into it.
I think other companies could do it for a better price (and to ignore if you don't want it, or don't need it).
It would be nice if such details could be Synced so you could also download info to a smartphone (such as my Nokia 6600).
I'm not against the idea. Not at all. I just don't think it's Apple's bag.
Was mp3 Apples bag now its iPod iTunes and the Music Store or was it a windows domain Gps is were mp3 was a few years ago after Ipod what next?
Availability would have to be worldwide to cover the worldwide usage of the software on or of the oceans GPS is as usefull in Arizona as the Sahara in NewYork London or Bamako. Digital maps and topo maps cover the whole globe not just the US or Europe (route Planners and street Planners)
Cost the 100 million dollar Question No more of a gamble than Garage band How many people use GPS in US The land of the great out doors how many people use street finding software in Europe how many people use GPS to Navigate the Oceans
Ask Your self How many people no of a software running OSX that they can connect to there GPS to upload or down load routes and waypoints or view topo maps or create there own maps Cycle routes and footpaths are already available on digital media
The software could be sold as stand alone or better still part of .Mac profit can be made from the sale of the USB GPS reciever(bluetooth) and digital media and of course new customers doing the switch Part of the Digital Hubb Think diffrent Billy is playing Guitar in garageband Dad is down stairs planning the family camping trip in the wilderness on his iBook no map on street planner for town or area scan in map configure and your away no internet no problem
I feel like my self you would welcome a good software solution for mac Apple need a new direction to keep ahead

Those who want or not if i by life do i have a choice i want one or two pices of software i get all No DVD Writer i pay for iDVD
Surely the point is if i by a DVD writer i already have the software
the same choice could include GPS software as with iPod accesories i might by a map CD or GPS Reciever To use the Functions, think of it as a Carrot.

If apple want to sell computers in Africa Don't give them Guitars they need maps
Apples Bag! only they know that we can but try They make it we will buy it.
