iLife '04 install


I have had iLife installed on two machines once already.... I am in the middle of rebuilding a lab before the students get back. I reformatted the drives and installed the apps. but iLife continues to come back with strange errors. The first one is that I have to use the DVD disc because I have a DVD drive, though it is only a combo drive. On the other hand and use the DVD, then I get the error that one of the four or five programs is running... not true... checked TOP and other places just to make sure. I corrected permissions and deleted old reciept files... just trying anything.. no luck.. anyone have any thoughts... I am reformatting one drive again just to try that approach too.
Make sure "iTunes Helper" is not running. It's a new thing with iTunes 4.7.1, and the iLife '04 installer mistakenly thinks that iTunes is still running. Killing this process with the Activity Monitor should allow iLife '04 to install.

I'm guessing that you probably ran Software Update on the systems before trying to install iLife '04 on them, and iTunes 4.7.1 was one of those updates... yea or nay?

Also, the DVD-or-CD-thing-to-install is normal. Any Mac with a DVD drive will force you to use the DVD to install, while any Mac with only a CD-ROM or CD-RW drive will force you to use the CD to install.