Illustrator 10 Anti-Aliasing in OSX


Has anyone noticed the difference between Illustrator 10 in OSX and Illustrator 9 in Classic as far as anti-aliasing goes?

Artwork in Illustrator10/OSX has become so fuzzy, it looks as if everything is slightly glowing. This makes if very hard to line up objects by hand.

There is a way to turn off "Anti alias Artwork" in the preferences which would be great if there was a key command to toggle this on and off, but to my knowledge there isn't.

Any one else at least notice this and find a work around to the problem, or am I just going blind.

This is not an OSX problem, I the same is true from Illustrator 9 on Windows to Illustrator 10. Did Adobe incorporate some new anti-aliasing technology in Illustrator10?

Comments, suggestions, flames?
the fact that Illustrator in OS9 (amd earlier Windows) relied on Adobe ATM to anti-alias type.

However, this is no longer needed in OSX due to inbuilt system anti-aliasing (Quartz)... (and ClearType in XP). You should look forward to 10.2 since there will be more robust controls over anti-alising in the system prefs.;)