illustrator cs choppy and slow

Lt Major Burns

"Dicky" Charlteston-Burns
does anyone know why illustrator CS is so badly optimized? how is it with quartz, apple can make any images wildly scalable (the dock, exposé etc), but illustrator takes 15 seconds, everytime you move something minor, to re-draw everything.....

is there any way to speed illustrator up in WYSIWYG mode without it looking like a dog? outline mode just isn't good enough for what i do, using varying stroke depths and 3d stuff

any ideas?
Illustrator redraw times are directly proportional to the complexity of your artwork, and the amount of available RAM your computer has.

3d is only going to complicate matters more. Anytime you have extremely complicated stuff, it is just going to run slow.

Try breaking up your art into multiple parts so that you can work on sections at a time, to speed up redraws. Or switch to outline mode just long enough to move the screen once, and then do back to normal. Increase your RAM and shut down all other unning programs to give Illustrator as much memory as you can.
You can also show various layers as outlines so you can just view what you're working on in 3d and save ram.

To free up RAM don't have other apps open at the same time...