howdy. I work in pre-press, and my shop handles quite a few Illustrator EPS files from of the remote Sites of my company actually does the page processing, while we handle all the image manipulation. Lately there's been a push to have one of our clients save out their Illustrator files as Legacy Illustrator 8 EPSs. As far as I know, the reason behind this is to make sure that all colors are CMYK and print-ready...Illustrator 9 thru CS can be dangerous in their ability to prepare spot colors in documents. However, since the files are coming from varied sources, some are concerned that a Legacy 8 version of a Illustrator EPS may hamper some of a file's transparency or other effects that were created in a more recent version of Illustrator. Any Illustrator experts care to enlighten me as to the pros and cons of this as they see it?